Product Title: Tektronix Communications Iris Application Suite
Product Version: Version 11.3
Frameworx Version: Version 10
Business Process Framework version: Version 8.0
Information Framework version: Version 9.0
Assessment Completion Date: January 2012
Detailed Certification Reports: Business Process Framework (eTOM); Information Framework (SID)
Product Description
Tektronix Communications Iris Suite framework provides a seamless user experience across a wide range of powerful network management tools. Iris Suite provides single sign-on access to IrisTouchPoint Customer Experience Management (CEM), Performance Intelligence (IPI), Iris Traffic Analyzer (ITA), Iris Session Analyzer (ISA), Protocol Analyzer (PA) and Iris Automated Control Engine (ACE). The Iris Suite graphical user interface consolidates these networks-, service- and customer-focused applications regardless of the underlying data sources. Iris Suite’s web services based design will enable easy integration of additional network management tools.
Summary Results: Business Process Framework (eTOM); Information Framework (SID)