Product Title: Hewlett-Packard OSS Assurance Solution
Product Version: Version 1.4
Version: Version 10
Business Process Framework version: Version 8.0
Information Framework version: Version 9.0
Assessment Completion Date: November 2011
Detailed Certification Results: Business Process Framework (eTOM); Information Framework (SID)
Product Overview
HP offers products and solutions for enterprise IT operations and for communication service providers (CSP) operations support systems (OSS). Due to this broad portfolio HP is positioned exceptionally to address the convergence of IT and Telco: Services become an Internet and All-IP based technology, Service Production platforms become IT infrastructures, CSP joins IT Operations and eTOM applies ITIL processes. HP’s offering comprises IT tools with Telco Extensions (e.g. HP uCMDB for IT configuration management with its Telco extension for SID) or “carrier grade” specific tools (e.g. HP TeMIP for Fault Management of big CSP Networks).
This assessment was done based on the specific SID extensions to the uCMDB, which is the primary data store of several HP Assurance applications. These extensions of the model have been implemented primarily for and in context of the Service Quality Management. However, any HP assurance application using the uCMDB is taking advantage of these SID based extensions.
HP applies its “NGOSS Blueprints” to describe the functional offerings and description of solutions for different customer cases. The NGOSS Blueprints are defined in a version 1.4 as “HP OSS Assurance Suite V1.4”. It comprises an agreed set of solutions with defined products and integrations. See also “White Paper HP NGOSS Blueprint and Solutions.pdf” which is accessible from the Downloads area below.
The following products of HP have been assessed, as they use the uCMDB as their native data system. They are assessed against SID 9.0:
- HP UCMDB V8.04 with HP Telco Universe for SID support
- HP SQM V2.3 based on HP Business Availability Center (BAC) 8.04
Two other products are referred to in context:
- Operations Manager i V8.10 as Operators Resource Fault and “Service Health” Management based on uCMDB.
- HP Service Manager V7.11 implementing ITIL Incident, Problem and Change Management with Telco Extensions V1.0 for SID and eTOM support
Information Framework version: 9.0
TM Forum has reviewed and approved the self-assessment of the product listed here against Information Framework (SID) version 9.0 Domains/Aggregate Business Entities. Each ABE was measured using an Information Framework (SID) conformance scale of 1–7, with 1 being the lowest, 3 being the acceptable minimum, and 7 being the highest level of conformance.
Scope of Assessment – Information Framework Footprint
The following figure illustrates the Information Framework Level 1 ABEs that were presented in scope for the Assessment, and the textual callouts represent the domain areas of the Hewlett-Packard OSS Assurance Suite V1.4 that were assessed and support the corresponding SID ABEs.
Information Framework (SID) Conformance – Summary
The following chart gives an overview of the conformance scores granted to the ABEs presented in scope for the Hewlett-Packard OSS Assurance Solution V1.4 Information Framework Assessment. Each ABE was measured using an Information Framework (SID) conformance scale of 1–7, with 1 being the lowest, 3 being the acceptable minimum, and 7 being the highest level of conformance.
Information Framework (SID) Conformance – with Comments
The following chart gives details of the conformance scores granted to the ABEs presented in scope for the Hewlett-Packard OSS Assurance Solution V1.4 Information Framework Assessment.
Information Framework (SID) Conformance | |||
Information Framework (SID) Domain* (please see not at the bottom of the page) |
Information Framework (SID) ABE | Conformance Level | Comment |
Common Business Entities | Business Interaction | 3 | Core entity, required attributes. |
Agreement | 3 | Core entity, required attributes. | |
Customer | Customer | 3 | Core entity, required attributes. |
Customer Service Level Agreement | 7 | Core entity, required attributes, dependent entities, required attributes of dependent entities, all attributes of the core entity, all attributes of dependent entities. | |
Resource | Resource | 3 | Core entity, required attributes. |
Compound Resource | 3 | Core entity, required attributes. | |
PhysicalResource/ PhysicalResource | 3 | Core entity, required attributes. | |
PhysicalResource/ Hardware | 3 | Core entity, required attributes. | |
PhysicalResource/ Physical Device | 3 | Core entity, required attributes. | |
LogicalResource/ LogicalResource | 3 | Core entity, required attributes. | |
LogicalResource/ Device Interface | 2 | Core entity, missing core entity required attributes | |
LogicalResource/ Logical Device | 2 | Core entity, missing core entity required attributes | |
LogicalResource/ Managed Transmission/ Managed Transmission | 2** | Core entity, missing some core entity required attributes | |
LogicalResource/ Managed Transmission/ Termination Point | 6 | Core entity, required attributes, dependent entities, required attributes of dependent entities, all attributes of the core entity, required attributes of dependent entities. | |
LogicalResource/ Network | 2** | Core entity, missing some core entity required attributes | |
LogicalResource/ Protocol Service | 7 | This ABE has only one entity “Protocol” therefore it can be accounted for as core and dependent.
Core entity, required attributes, dependent entities, required attributes of dependent entities, all attributes of the core entity, all attributes of dependent entities. |
Service | Service | 2 | Core entity, required attributes not mapped |
Service/ CustomerFacing Service | 2 | Core entity, required attributes not mapped | |
Service/ ResourceFacing Service | 2 | Core entity, required attributes not mapped | |
Service Performance/ Service Level Spec/ Service Level Spec | 3 | Core entity, required attributes |
* Several ABEs within each domain being in scope for conformance assessment are linked to a note ([Note 1], [Note 2]) which provides the following explanation by Hewlett -Packard: The entity/attribute is not supported by HP Assurance applications off-the-shelf, but can be configured if needed, or is realized by application specific means ([Note 3]).
** Due to editorial discrepancies in addenda documents for SID V9.0, these attributes do not have required/optional definitions in SID 9.0 documentation. These attributes were assessed against the definitions defined in the addenda for SID 8.0 which states that they are required attributes. The HP products assessed do not support these attributes off-the-shelf.
Report Misuse: Frameworx conformance is an important part of enabling the communications industry to maintain profitability as it migrates to new services and new business models. Gaining the conformance mark represents a significant investment by both suppliers and service providers. If you feel a company is misusing the conformance mark then please let us know at [email protected].
Disclaimer: TM Forum has conducted no independent testing of the product for compliance with its frameworks or standards. Such testing has solely been conducted by the supplier or seller of the product and has been self-certified by the supplier or seller for adherence to the TM Forum framework or standard in question. Accordingly, under no circumstances will TM Forum be liable for any direct or indirect damages or any costs or losses resulting from the the use or reliance by any party of or upon such certification.