Company: Jio Platforms Limited
Product Title: JIO B2C System – ODA-C-JAM-JCE
eTOM & SID Version: 23.0 & 23.5
Conformance Type: Solution Conformance
Assessment Completion Date: February 2025
Detailed Certification Report: JIO B2C System – ODA-C-JAM-JCE
General Overview
This document provides details of JIO B2C System for JIO-AM Alarm Management and JIO-CE Correlation Engine (JAM JCE), against the following ODA Core Frameworks:
- Business Process Framework (eTOM) version 23.0
- Information Framework (SID) version 23.5
The assessment included a review of the methodology approach to process and information modeling, respectively against the TM Forum’s Business Process Framework (eTOM) and the Information Framework (SID) according to the specific processes and entities submitted in scope for the Assessment.
Solution Functionality/Capability Overview
The JIO JAM-JCE (Jio AM Alarm Management & Jio-CE Correlation Engine) is an umbrella fault management system that is capable of consuming alarms from various domain managers, enrich them with inventory attributes, correlate and present them to various NOC stakeholders.
JIO B2C System JAM-JCE Level Architecture
The Jio JAM-JCE acts as standardized client interface to Alarm Management systems for creating, tracking and managing alarms among partners. The interface supports alarm management on both resources and services. The alarm objects are not restricted to any technology or a vendor, so the API can be used in a wide variety of fault management cases and across all Jio network domains.
eTOM and SID Certification Scope
The following figure represents the Business Process Framework Level 2 processes as well as Information Framework ABEs that were presented in scope for conformance certification.
Figure 2 – Process coverage for JIO B2C System for JAM-JCE – Conformance Certification
Level 1 ABEs – SID coverage for JIO B2C System for JAM-JCE Conformance Certification
Detailed Certification Report: JIO B2C System – ODA-C-JAM-JCE
For more information on JIO B2C System for JIO JAM JCE, please contact:
Harsha Yalburgi, JAM – Product Manager, JIO Platform: [email protected]
Tushar Ray, JCE – Product Manager, JIO Platform: [email protected]
For any additional information on this ODA Conformance Certification Report, please contact TM Forum at [email protected]
Report Misuse: Conformance certification is an important part of enabling the communications industry to maintain profitability as it migrates to new services and new business models. Gaining the conformance mark represents a significant investment by both suppliers and service providers. If you feel a company is misusing the conformance mark then please let us know at [email protected].
Disclaimer: TM Forum has conducted no independent testing of the solution for conformance with its frameworks or standards. Such testing has solely been conducted by the supplier or seller of the product and has been self-assessed by the supplier or seller for adherence to the TM Forum framework or standard in question. Accordingly, under no circumstances will TM Forum be liable for any direct or indirect damages or any costs or losses resulting from the use or reliance by any party of or upon such certification.