Company: Microsoft
Product title and Version: Microsoft Business Analytics Accelerator for Telecommunications, Release 1.0
Microsoft Business Analytics Accelerator for Telecommunications, Release 1.0 – Product Overview
The primary objective of the Microsoft Business Analytics Accelerator for Telecommunications (Telco BAA) is to provide a framework that can be readily reused and extended to fast-track the design, development, and deployment of a business analytics solution for the telecommunications industry. The Telco BAA focuses on a few core scenarios and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to speed the time to implementation for telecommunications operator. However, the solution can be easily grown to support countless other scenarios.
Business Process Framework version: 8.0
TM Forum has reviewed and approved the self-certification of the product listed here against Business Process Framework (eTOM) version 8.0 processes elements. Each process element was measured using the Business Process Framework (eTOM) compliance scale.
Scope of Assessment – Business Process Framework Footprint
The following figure represents Business Process Framework Level 2 processes that were presented in scope for the assessment, and the textual callouts represent the modules of the Microsoft Business Analytics Accelerator for Telecommunications Product that were assessed and support the corresponding eTOM processes.
The following chart gives an overview of the conformance scores granted to the Business Process Frameworx Level 2 & Level 3 processes presented in scope for the Microsoft Business Analytics Accelerator for Telecommunications Business Process Framework Assessment.
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The following table gives details of the conformance scores granted to the Business Process Frameworx Level 2 & Level 3 processes presented in scope for the Microsoft Business Analytics Accelerator for Telecommunications Business Process Framework Assessment.
Assessed eTOM Conformance |
eTOM Process Element |
Assessed Domain |
Conformance Level
Comment |
Within Level 1: 1.1.1 – Customer Relationship |
Customer | Not Applicable for Level 1 process | TM Forum does not assess process Level 1 elements. Hence Conformance score is not awarded at this level.
See general [Note1] for an explanation of the overall context of the Microsoft Business Analytics Accelerator for Telecoms. |
Within Level 2: |
Customer | Scope Partially Conformant (2) |
Four Level 3 eTOM processes have been assessed here for conformance, these are: – Support Customer Interface Management – Support Retention & Loyalty – Support Selling – Manage Campaign These 4 processes represent a subset out of a total of 14 level 3 processes which make up the – CRM Support & Readiness Level 2 process in the Business Process Framework (eTOM) within the Operations Support & Readiness (OS&R) vertical process grouping in the Operations (Ops) Process Area. The above listed Level 3 processes under – CRM Support & Readiness were assessed against the Microsoft Business Analytics Accelerator for Telecoms; the assigned final scores represent some deviations from the standard Business Process Framework (eTOM) descriptions due to the analytical nature of this Microsoft application. | – Support Customer Interface Management | Customer | Partially Conformant (4) |
Partially Conformant
Most features and functional requirements for this L3 process as defined in the (eTOM) Business Process Framework were covered by the Microsoft Business Analytics Accelerator for Telecommunications (MS-BAAT) application, particularly the availability of relevant information required in support of this process. On the other hand, there are some support gaps due to specific requirements (defined in the eTOM), such as availability of materials, systems and resources; such gaps are due to the analytical nature of the Microsoft Business Analytics Accelerator for Telecommunications. | – Support Retention & Loyalty | Customer | Partially Conformant (4) |
Partially Conformant
This level 3 process was partially conformant. All analytical information required to support the Retention & Loyalty process as defined in the eTOM is provided and made available by the Microsoft Business Analytics Accelerator for Telecommunications (MS-BAAT) application. Acknowledged limitations are due to the analytical nature of the application which does not provide materials, systems or resources in support of this process. | – Support Selling | Customer | Partially Conformant (4) |
Partially Conformant
This process is fully supported by the Microsoft application from an analytical perspective, in other words, supporting evidence provided for this process fully satisfies conformance criteria for the Business Process Framework (eTOM) as far as the availability of information is concerned; this is information such as sales trends analysis, sales channel and sales volume statistical information per customer and market segment, etc. Some lack of coverage was identified in terms of management capabilities needed in the execution of this process; the support for the production and analysis of information needed for decision making purposes is quite well covered by the application, but some shortcomings were found as far as administering and managing the operation of the various sales channels and ensuring that there is capability other than information i.e. materials, systems and resources available in support of this process. These alignment gaps are due to the analytical nature of this Microsoft (BAAT) application. | – Manage Campaign | Customer | Partially Conformant (4) |
Partially Conformant
Supporting documentation and evidence provided along the conformance assessment for this L3 process was satisfactory as far as the capability to produce and make analytical information available in support of campaign management. Some features or functional requirements which are part of the eTOM process description – e.g. ensuring that Marketing Fulfillment Response is staffed, trained and equipped appropriately to support the specific campaign, whether direct mail, TV ad, etc. – are not applicable to the Microsoft Business Analytics application due to its highly analytical and less operations management centric nature. |
Within Level 2: Customer Interface Management |
Customer | Scope Partially Conformant (2) |
Two Level 3 eTOM processes have been assessed here for conformance, these are: – Analyze & Report on Customer – Mediate & Orchestrate Customer Interactions These 2 processes represent a subset out of a total of 4 level 3 processes which make up the – Customer Interface Management Level 2 process in the Business Process Framework (eTOM) within the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) horizontal process grouping in the Operations (Ops) Process Area. The partially conformant score is due to the partial scope coverage of the parent Level 2 process, in combination with final score of the – Mediate & Orchestrate Customer Interactions which displayed some deviations against the standard (eTOM). | – Analyze & Report on Customer | Customer | Fully Conformant (5) |
Supporting evidence provided for this level 3 process fully satisfies conformance criteria for the Business Process Framework (eTOM). See [Note2] for additional explanation on the support for this process. | – Mediate & Orchestrate Customer Interactions | Customer | Partially Conformant (4) |
Partially Conformant
Supporting documentation and evidence provided for this L3 process demonstrated conformance with the eTOM as far as the capability to produce and make analytical information available in support of customer interactions. Some functional requirements which are part of the eTOM process description are not applicable to the Microsoft Business Analytics application in the context of this particular process due to its highly analytical and less operations management centric nature. For instance transactions with external parties need to conform to specific message and data formats and sometimes may require a previously agreed orchestration for message exchange. |
Within Level 2:– Selling |
Customer | Scope Partially Conformant (2) |
One Level 3 eTOM process has been assessed here for conformance, this is: – Cross/Up Selling This process represents a subset out of a total of 7 level 3 processes which make up the – Selling Level 2 process in the Business Process Framework (eTOM) within the Fulfillment vertical process grouping in the Operations (Ops) Process Area. The partially conformant score is due to the partial scope coverage of the parent Level 2 process i.e. only one of seven Level 3 processes were included in the scope for assessment. | – Cross/Up Selling | Customer | Fully Conformant (5) |
Supporting evidence provided for this level 3 process fully satisfies conformance criteria for the Business Process Framework (eTOM). See [Note3] for additional explanation on the support for this process. |
Within Level 2:– Retention & Loyalty |
Customer | Scope Partially Conformant (2) |
Two Level 3 eTOM processes have been assessed here for conformance, these are: – Build Customer Insight – Validate Customer Satisfaction These two processes represent a subset out of a total of 5 level 3 processes which make up the – Retention & Loyalty Level 2 process in the Business Process Framework (eTOM) within the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) horizontal process grouping in the Operations (Ops) Process Area. The partially conformant score is due to the partial scope coverage of the parent Level 2 process i.e. only one of five Level 3 processes were included in the scope for assessment. | – Build Customer Insight | Customer | Fully Conformant (5) |
Supporting evidence provided for this level 3 process fully satisfies conformance criteria for the Business Process Framework (eTOM). See [Note1] for additional explanation on the support for this process. | – Validate Customer Satisfaction | Customer | Partially Conformant (4) |
Partially Conformant
Supporting documentation and evidence provided for this L3 process provides satisfactory evidence as far as the capability to produce and make analytical information available in support of customer satisfaction validation. Some operations management related requirements – e.g. checking and confirming that the solution is operable by the customer – as part of the eTOM process description are not applicable to the Microsoft Business Analytics application in the context of this particular process due to its highly analytical and less operations management centric nature. See [Note4] for additional explanation on the support for this process. |
Note1: – The Microsoft Business Analytics Accelerator for Telecom automatically collects data from operational systems and presents that information as a series of “drillable”/configurable dashboards/reports. This includes many aspects of the customer experience. For example orders (new orders, cancel orders) and device selection.
Analysts are given the opportunity to use their analytical skills to investigate issues for correction or situations for improvement based on that information manual depending on the particular situation.
Note2: – – Analyze & Report on Customer. In this particular instance, customer behaviors (orders, network usage, customer care contacts) are used to determine attribute decomposition trees for particular issues; device attributes for churn issues; reports of network issues associated with ARPU.
Note3: – – Cross/Up Selling. In this particular situation, the analyst is presented with information necessary to define the appropriate attributes for a particular business case by identifying the attributes of a particular segment that may benefit from a different product offering (ie lower cost to carrier, higher revenue/ARPU from customer). Negative margin customer accounts are generally viewed as an inappropriate business arrangement for both carriers and customers.
Note4: – – Validate Customer Satisfaction. In this particular situation, analysts are given the opportunity to analyze to a customer level, attributes that impact customer experience, customer churn, etc. Using this derived “low level” or granular information from the automatically provided “high level” or aggregated information, analysts can assist customer care, marketing, operations and product management teams to determine the proper course of action for improved telecom customer interaction.
Report Misuse: Frameworx conformance is an important part of enabling the communications industry maintain profitability as it migrates to new services and new business models. Gaining the conformance mark represents a significant investment by both suppliers and service providers. If you feel a company is misusing the conformance mark then please let us know
Disclaimer: TeleManagement Forum has conducted no independent testing of the product for compliance with its frameworks or standards. Such testing has solely been conducted by the supplier or seller of the product and has been self-certified by the supplier or seller for adherence to the TeleManagement Forum framework or standard in question. Accordingly, under no circumstances will TeleManagement Forum be liable for any direct or indirect damages or any costs or losses resulting from the the use or reliance by any party of or upon such certification.