FULLY BOOKED - Digital Leadership Summit | Transforming and automating to deliver new digital enterprise services - デジタルリーダーシップサミット | 新しいデジタルエンタープライズサービスを提供するトランスフォーメーションとオートメーション

Wednesday, July 10, 2019 2:00pm to 6:30pm


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Japan’s contribution to the global B2B telecommunications market value is estimated to be over US $15 billion by the end of 2026, which will be approximately US $3 billion higher than the value of the B2B market place in Western Europe. In order for Japanese service providers to take advantage of this opportunity, they need to rapidly digitally transform, by taking a DevOps approach to launching new services, embrace new virtualised technologies, take a new micro-services, API, de-coupled based approach to their infrastructure and rapidly enable partnering. Attend this workshop to learn about what the future holds for operators delivering enterprise services including new revenue opportunities and how to overcome the technical and business roadblocks and the opportunities new technologies such as NFV, SDN-WAN, 5G, Automation and AI can bring. Allowing you to take a slice of the $15billion market opportunity.

This workshop is now full. Please register early for future TM Forum workshops to avoid disappointment.


14:00 – 14:10 – Welcome and introductions

Aaron Boasman-Patel, Vice President, AI, Customer Experience & Data, TM Forum
Jeff Sakkal, General Manager, Head of APAC Business Unit, Amdocs Senior Representative, Amdocs

14:10-14:30 – The enterprise of tomorrow in Japan: Key trends, challenges and opportunities

This session will set the scene for the day, highlighting the key forces shaping the future enterprise.

  • What trends and technologies will transform the future workplace?
  • What will the impact be on consumption of network and connected ICT services?
  • Addressing the main challenges and success factors for network automation
  • Case Study: Telstra: Offering network as a service

Aaron Boasman-Patel, Vice President, AI, Customer Experience & Data, TM Forum

14:30-15:00 – Keynote Presentation: Enterprise Conversations: What do enterprises really want from CSPs and where are they failing to deliver today?

This session will include a presentation and a Q&A from a leading Japanese enterprise who will discuss what services they have today, what they want in the future, and most importantly what their needs are from service providers for delivering they key services of tomorrow.

Aaron Boasman-Patel, Vice President, AI, Customer Experience & Data, TM Forum
Marcos Asai, Executive Director, JPMorgan Securities Japan Co. Ltd
Tatsuya Kawase, Senior Vice President,Mars&Co.

15:00 – 15:30 – Delivering the services of tomorrow by embracing virtualization, softwarization, and new technologies

A non-technical perspective of the key issues occupying communications industry executives’ minds – including how to address changing customer needs within an advanced new technology environment (e.g. monetizing B2B 5G use cases and NFV/SDN based offerings), how to take a strategic approach towards support and ways to generate additional revenue.

Michal Sever, Product & solutions Marketing manager, Amdocs

 15:45 – 16:15 – Spotlight session: Driving innovation through the Big 5: 5G, NFV, IoT, edge computing & cloud

  • Walkthrough on the emerging use cases based on multi access mobile edge computing
  • The enabling technologies for MEC including 5G, NFV orchestration
  • Monetizing edge technologies – business models for MEC   
  • Real life examples

Yosi Mor Yosef, Product & Solutions Marketing Director, Amdocs
Yoshiaki Kono, Industry Technical Specialist in Network Communication Sales, Data Center Group Sales, Intel Japan

16:15 – 17:30 – Enterprise Conversations:

In this interactive session, we will discuss and introduce each of the following topics and show a demo on how these can be overcome. The audience will be split into three groups and will rotate between the different demos, spending twenty minutes at each table, discussing the issues and exploring the demo.

  1. The potential role of 5G in introducing innovative B2B2X use cases

With edge computing, virtualized network elements, network slicing and more, 5G will enable the introduction of new services based on a differentiated quality of experience in the mobile network. In this session, we showcase how to practically operationalize leading B2B 5G-related use cases.

  1. Leveraging NFV to differentiate and accelerate managed SD-WAN and security offerings

The race is on to implement SD-WAN solutions to ensure the integrity of existing revenue streams – and create new ones. In this session, learn how NFV enables you to create differentiated SD-WAN and value-added service offerings that enhance your competitive positioning – and at the same time, meet ongoing and future business, performance and cost requirements.

  1. How to provide a seamless digitized B2B intelligent customer engagement

Enterprise customers’ expectations are evolving with increasing expectations for faster, more efficient communications with their service providers. In this session, learn how to streamline and automate the lead-to-care process so that your B2B customers receive the advanced digital experience they demand – even in today’s complex hybrid environment comprising both traditional and next-gen services.

17:30-17:40 – Key conclusions & Wrap-up

Aaron Boasman-Patel, Vice President, AI, Customer Experience & Data, TM Forum

17:40 – 18:30 – Networking cocktails & conversations

Please contact Scott Hathaway for more details.

2019年7月10日 (水) · 14:00 – 18:30
東京 (日本)

会場:グランドニッコー東京 台場(東京都港区台場2-6-1 )

2026年までに、日本における企業向け(B2B)テレコミュニケーションの市場規模が1兆6500億円(150億ドル)に達すると予想され、西ヨーロッパ全体の市場よりも3300億円(30億ドル)も大きいです。この巨大なマーケットで勝ち抜くには、サービスプロバイダーはDevOpsアプローチを取り入れて新しいサービスをローンチし、仮想化技術、マイクロサービス、Open APIなどを用いてデジタルトランスフォーメーションを加速しなければなりません。 このワークショップでは、新たな収益チャンスの獲得、技術的またはビジネス上の問題解決法、NFV、SD-WAN、5G、自動化、AIといった新規技術がもたらしうる機会など、エンタープライズサービスを提供する通信事業者が直面する課題を取り上げ、最新動向を紹介します。 なお、席数に限りがありますので、お早めにお申込みいただきますようお願い申し上げます。

This workshop is now full. Please register early for future TM Forum workshops to avoid disappointment.


14:00 – 14:10 – ご挨拶

Aaron Boasman-Patel, Vice President, AI, Customer Experience & Data, TM Forum

Senior Representative, Amdocs

14:10-14:30 – | 日本のB2Bマーケート展望:トレンド、チャレンジ及び機会 (同上)

  • 未来の職場を変革するトレンドとテクノロジーとは?
  • ネットワーク消費量と接続型ICTサービスに影響する要素は?
  • ネットワークオートメーションの主な課題と成功要因について
  • ケーススタディ:Telstraが提供するNaaS (Network as a Service)の紹介

Aaron Boasman-Patel, Vice President, AI, Customer Experience & Data, TM Forum

14:30-15:00 – 基調講演:企業との対話‐エンタープライズが通信事業者(CSP) に期待するものと現状欠けている部分について(講師選定中)


Senior Representative, Japanese Enterprise

15:00 – 15:30 – 仮想化、ソフトウェアライゼーション、新規技術によってもたらす次世代サービスの提供について(講師:アムドックス社)


Senior Representative, Amdocs

 15:30 – 15:45 – コーヒーブレイク

 15:45 – 16:15 – スポットライトセッション:ビッグファイブ‐5G、NFV、IoT、エッジコンピューティング、クラウド によるイノベーション (講師:アムドックス社)


Senior Representative, Amdocs

16:15 – 17:30 – 企業との対話:


17:30-17:40 – 総括及び閉会の挨拶

(Aaron Boasman-Patel, Vice President, AI, Customer Experience & Data, TM Forum)

17:40 – 18:30 – 懇親会 (スナックとお飲み物をご提供します)


Presentations from the inugural Digital Leadership Summit | Transforming and automating to deliver new digital enterprise services can be found bellow:

Transforming and automating to deliver new digital enterprise services

Delivering the services of tomorrow by embracing new technologies


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