Product Catalog Management
The Product Catalog Management ODA Component is responsible for organizing a collection of Product and Product Offering specifications that define all requirements for commercializing a product or product offering. This component provides a customer-facing view for users to search and select needed products and product offerings. It allows product specifications to be defined based on CFS specifications published by the Service Catalog Management component, or for tangible products, on Resource specifications published by the Resource Catalog Management component. This ensures consistency between characteristics and their values at both service and product levels. The Product Catalog Management component offers functionalities for: - Creating new product/product offering specifications - Managing existing specifications - Administering the lifecycle of products/product offerings - Describing relationships between product specifications (e.g., prerequisites), product offerings (e.g., packaging rules), and product specifications and product offering specifications (e.g., commercialization conditions). - Reporting on product/product offering specifications and their changes. - Facilitating easy and systematic indexing and access to products/product offerings. - Automating the product order capture process and integrating with delivery orchestration.
ODA Function Block:
Core Commerce Management
Component name:
Product Catalog Management
Component ID:
Component version:
Component specification status:
Published date:
Software providers who have validated this component using the prototype CTK