
Design Guides

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Transformation Guides Resources
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Resource NameDocument versionDocument typeTeam Approved DateDownload

GB1011 Transformation Project Framework (TPF) v4.0.0

4.0.0Guidebook8 Sep 2022

IG1221 BSS/OSS Cloudification Guide Part 1 - Transformation Planning and Execution v2.0.0

2.0.0Introductory Guide29 Jan 2021

Collaboration Projects

Michael Carpenter Orac
Mike Carpenter, Oracle

End-to-end ODA project

Be a part of the team that captures the 'voice of the member' to ensure that ODA assets from different teams converge, join-up, and are useable.

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Contributing companies and project leaders

emmanuel otchere headshot
Emmanuel A. Otrchere, Huawei

End-to-end ODA project

Be a part of the team that captures the 'voice of the member' to ensure that ODA assets from different teams converge, join-up, and are useable.

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Contributing companies and project leaders

andreas polz
Andreas Polz, Bearing Point

End-to-end ODA project

Be a part of the team that captures the 'voice of the member' to ensure that ODA assets from different teams converge, join-up, and are useable.

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Contributing companies and project leaders

Andrew Thomson, Bearing Point

End-to-end ODA project

Be a part of the team that captures the 'voice of the member' to ensure that ODA assets from different teams converge, join-up, and are useable.

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Contributing companies and project leaders

Sylvie Demarest Orange
Sylvie Demarest, Orange

End-to-end ODA project

Be a part of the team that captures the 'voice of the member' to ensure that ODA assets from different teams converge, join-up, and are useable.

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Contributing companies and project leaders

johanne mayer
Johanne Mayer, Mayer Consult

End-to-end ODA project

Be a part of the team that captures the 'voice of the member' to ensure that ODA assets from different teams converge, join-up, and are useable.

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Contributing companies and project leaders

Michael Carpenter Orac
emmanuel otchere headshot
andreas polz
Sylvie Demarest Orange
johanne mayer
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