Data analytics has provided companies with thousands of possible customer data points, all of which could potentially be considered when it comes time to make critical marketing decisions. It’s no secret that the more you know and understand about your customers, the better you’re able to cater to their unique needs.
But how can marketers determine which customer data points should be weighed more heavily in driving those all-important marketing decisions?
From location data to conversion rate metrics, simple demographic data, purchase history, path-to-conversion, content analytics (what marketing content turned this customer into a solid lead?), and hundreds to thousands of bits of information, the sea of customer data is complex. Making sense of all the data available to marketers today, not to mention analyzing that data in meaningful ways to drive decision-making, is no simple task.
We wanted to gain a better understanding of how modern organizations analyze and use customer data to drive decision-making. To help today’s marketers pinpoint the most critical customer data in driving decision-making, we asked a panel of customer data and marketing experts to answer this question:
What’s the single most important piece of customer data that can help organizations improve marketing decisions?
See what our panel of experts say below: