Comptel’s DATA FASTERMINDTM, The Analytics Engine of DATA REFINERY, Enables Telefónica Group Operator to Gain Comprehensive Insights into Service Behaviours and Efficiently Fulfil Lawful Interception Search Requests
HELSINKI, Finland—20 October 2015—Comptel Corporation (OMX Helsinki: CTL1V) today announced that it has started the deployment of Comptel’s DATA FASTERMIND™ with Movistar Argentina, an operator owned by Telefónica Group, one of the largest telecommunications companies in the world. With the advanced analytics solution, Movistar Argentina can now glean real-time insights from its data, to enhance business stream and service monitoring and improve data record searches and reporting to local authorities.
DATA FASTERMIND™ also allows Movistar to comply with lawful interception requirements. The technology enables efficient searches into the operator’s storage capacity, consisting of hundreds of terabytes of data accumulated over the course of 10 years. With Comptel’s solution, Movistar can easily analyse, filter and cross-check users’ information, such as call detail records (CDRs).
Comptel has long been a notable player in the industry when it comes to data processing and providing excellent support, which are the two keys to the success of Movistar’s analytics extension deployment.
“Operators have access to an unparalleled amount of data, which has historically been overlooked or underutilised due to inappropriate processing and integration tools,” said Diego Becker, senior vice president, Americas, Comptel. “Today’s digital age has changed this paradigm. Operators are rethinking their approaches, so they can improve how they drive day-to-day operations and future business.”
- Visit Comptel’s website for more details on DATA FASTERMIND™, the analytics engine of DATA REFINERY.
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- Learn more about meeting the demands of Generation Cloud customers in Comptel’s book, Operation Nexterday.
- Attend the telecommunications industry’s “anti-seminar” of the year: Comptel’s Nexterday North, taking place in Helsinki, Finland, 9-11 November. Learn how to think ahead, think again and think beyond what it means to be “a typical operator.” Press and analysts can contact [email protected] to register.
About Comptel Corporation
Life is digital moments. Comptel perfects these by transforming how you serve, meet and respond to the needs of “Generation Cloud” customers.
Our solutions allow you to innovate rich communications services instantly, master the orchestration of service and order flows, capture data-in-motion and refine your decision-making. We apply intelligence to reduce friction in your business.
Comptel has enabled the delivery of digital and communications services to more than 1 billion people. Every day, we care for more than 20% of all mobile usage data. Nearly 300 service providers across 90 countries have trusted us to perfect customers’ digital moments.
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