Press release
Big Communications Event 2016 & Schrodinger’s OSS
The third annual Big Communications Event in Austin this past month was rife with talk of orchestration, the digital telco and SDN. Terminology, especially at events, is always dizzying, mainly because terms ‘stick’ but their meanings are often very particular to the speaker and/or listener. I had one lengthy debate involving the meaning of SDN and whether it natively referred
Press release
How to Build a Successful Smart City
Press release
Inside the gig economy’s pros and cons
The gig economy is off and running, and CIOs are taking notice. The CIO Executive Council recently estimated that almost half of CIOs will employ gig workers in 2016.Employing workers for a particular job can offer CIOs several advantages. Not only does it provide them access to hard-to-find tech talent, it also allows them to hire employees on an as-needed basis without a full-ti
Press release
Finding The Right Place For Revenue Assurance
There is a saying: “having one’s heart in the right place.” It means you have positive intentions to accomplish good things. I was recently involved in plenty of discussions and debates about the ultimate “right place” of Revenue Assurance (RA). RA by definition is about doing good things: contributing to profit, revenue and cash flow improvements with the use of data qua
Press release
Why Standards Bodies & Open Source Must Collaborate
Whether advocates of SDN, NFV, cloud or virtualization in general, our industry has undergone an unparalleled disruption as new and emerging technologies battle for their place in the new, more agile, flexible and software-centric network.But amid all this change, there is one imperative which has remained constant and resolute throughout: the need and desire for standards as the s
Press release
Copenhagen to sell public and private city data via exchange marketplace
Traffic snarl-ups, home break-ins and residents' electricity usage use is among the data the city will trade for cashCopenhagen has become the first city in the world to attempt to monetize its, and others’, data through a city data market.Traffic snarl-ups, home break-ins, whether it rained or snowed, and how much electricity the city dwellers use each day is among the data to b
Press release
Open source networking: The time is now
We are never going back to proprietary networks. Today’s world is all about open—from APIs to partnerships to end-to-end orchestrated services. It's about time. Vendor lock-in is dead. Proprietary specifications are dead. Closed vendor ecosystems are dead. Today’s networks are increasingly defined on de facto and du jour open standards—call it open source, call it open AP
Press release
Digital Marketing companies for you
Mercury digital marketing usually assists their clients with large scale strategy initiatives like launching a new product and services. Also, it helps their clients in extending their existing brands and in an entirely new company. However, it can also help a person in her/his research work, plan and execute a comprehensive approach to a person’s customer experience. Their appro
Press release
Poslovni modeli i sektorske strategije
Press release
Telcos’ digital transformation still has plenty of fuel left to burn
Digital transformation remains one of the industry's biggest buzzwords and it was in glorious technicolour evidence at the TM Forum’s annual conference in the south of France this week.Displayed across many vendor stands and used as the title of numerous conference sessions, it was the topic on everyone’s lips.But what, if anything, does it actually mean in practice today and w