Press release
TM Forum expects OSS ‘re-architecting’ will be required in response to the virtualisation of the network
Press release
Etiya is unbundling the bundle with telecom personalization (sponsored content)
The expanding B/OSS software firm is bringing its unique take on the configure, price, quote process to the global communications service provider market.As the communications service provider space becomes increasingly crowded and competitive, retaining customers and reducing churn are paramount to business success. With so many options, it’s crucial to provide the best possible
Press release
TM Forum Keeps its Head Above the Weeds on NFV Technology
The TM Forum (TMF) is creating a new network functions virtualization (NFV) section on its website named ZOOM, which stands for Zero-touch Operations and Orchestration Management.It’s based on a clear message the group has received from service providers, says Ken Dilbeck, the TMF’s vice president of collaboration and R&D. Namely: Don’t focus on NFV technology for its own
Press release
Blog: What makes a city ‘smart’?
The term smart city, like the over-used 5G acronym, is tricky to define. Every so-called expert you ask has a different view. To date, there is no unified definition.Many talk of platforms and infrastructure as the cornerstone. For some the focus is on sustainability, both environmental and economic; others point to specific objectives like improving transportation, governance, hea
Press release
Do you live in a ‘Smart City’? See how many of these cunning tech innovations you recognise
Press release
ZTE shares lessons learned on road to smarter cities
Chinese equipment vendor ZTE is working on more than 100 smart city projects in 40 countries and has learned some painful, but valuable, lessons along the way that have enabled it to engage with cities more effectively.Topping the list is the ineffective use of big data and insufficient budgeting for long-term operations and maintenance, said Jane Chen (pictured), EVP and chairpe
Press release
Digital Health in the Networked Society
Ericsson is proud to be part of TM Forum’s ongoing Digital Health catalyst project, helping to connect patients, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders in the Networked Society. At this year’s TM Forum Live! in Nice, France, Ericsson unveiled the development of the Digital Health catalyst project.Read the rest on Ericsson Blog.
Press release
Communications service providers: Are you ready for digital transformation?
The term “disruptive technologies” frightens many organizations, but to companies like Alibaba, Uber, Airbnb and Facebook, it’s the secret to their success. These four companies from unrelated industries have one major commonality: They don’t “own” anything, at least not in the traditional sense. What they provide is a digital service, and these service offerings have t
Press release
Close partnerships and collaboration will be essential to widespread NFV deployment.While it’s still early days for NFV, the virtualization storm has been embraced by operators around the world with no signs of dissipating. But in that mad scramble to learn about virtualization, conduct lab tests and proofs of concept and even start on the operationalization phase, there are stil
Press release
The Many Faces of NFV
We all see people differently, sometimes because of our own biases and sometimes because people put on a different face for different situations in their lives. Apparently this is true of technologies too, because what NFV looks like and where it's heading looks different to each of the major NFV constituencies, and how NFV's "faces" might be harmonized could be critical to its rea