IG1130 TAM Impacts by SDN/NFV Suite R18.0.1


As operators and enterprises evaluate the introduction of virtualization to network functions they are discovering that the biggest challenges lie in the existing organization, processes and systems. For a better vision of the corresponding challenge, operators need to have the full picture of differences between the traditional and virtualized Product Lifecycle Management. Still, even this…

RN363 Release Notes for IG1130 TAM Impacts by SDN/NFV R18.0

Future TAM Impacts by SDN/NFV R16.0.1 (IG1130)

TAM Impacts by SDN/NFV: Detailed Analysis and Implementation R16.0.1 (IG1130A)

TAM Impacts by SDN/NFV: Detailed Analysis and Implementation SQA R17.0.1 (IG1130B)

TAM Impacts by SDN/NFV on Resource Domain R17.5.1 (IG1130C)

TAM Impacts by SDN/NFV on Resource Domain R18.0.1 (IG1130D)


As operators and enterprises evaluate the introduction of virtualization to network functions they are discovering that the biggest challenges lie in the existing organization, processes and systems. For a better vision of the corresponding challenge, operators need to have the full picture of differences between the traditional and virtualized Product Lifecycle Management. Still, even this is not enough for transforming an organization into an agile digital services machine. Network operators need particular recommendations for defining principles and implementation of virtualized Product Lifecycle Management.

Such analysis and recommendations are already defined in TMF documents IG1117 OSS/BSS Futures Overview and IG1118 OSS/BSS Futures: Preparing the Future Mode of Operation.

This document series is a set of analyses and conclusions related to the impacts of virtualization on the Telecom Applications Map (TAM aka properly named GB929 Application Framework R18.0.0)

  • IG1130 ‘Future TAM Impacts by SDN/NFV’ This overview analysis identified at a high level the main impacts on TAM domains (heat map), and was not sufficient to create CRs for TAM. In order to create CRs for TAM it is important to study each application/sub application of TAM in detail. The scope of such detailed work and associated effort has spanned multiple Frameworx releases. This is the main document and is supported by detailed analysis for TAM CRs in addenda documents, IG1130A and IG1130B.
  • IG1130A ‘TAM Impacts by SDN/NFV: Detailed Analysis and Implementation’ This addendum contains a detailed analysis covering all the applications at Level1 and below and assesses the current state and the changes required. The main objective is to align the TAM to meet the requirements for SDN/NFV.
  • IG1130B ‘TAM Impacts by SDN/NFV: Detailed Analysis and Implementation SQA’ This addendum is based on the high-level study presented in the document IG1130 and various other ongoing projects within TM Forum to create CRs for TAM. It contains a detailed analysis of the Service Quality Assurance (SQA) domain. While SQA is the focus of the document, SQA domain applications are themselves dependent on other TAM applications. The analysis explored dependencies on other applications outside SQA, and, if an application is not present, it is proposed to introduce it into the TAM, but a detailed analysis of that dependent application is future work.
  • IG1130C ‘TAM Impacts by SDN/NFV on Resource Domain: Detailed analysis of the applications in TAM supporting the Resource Domain (RD). Identify the gap and create CRs to update TAM. While the focus of the analysis is applications related to SDN/NFV impacts but it is observed through various ongoing works that in some cases the existing application description and functionalities are too outdated and needs to be rewritten irrespective of SDN/NFV impacts. This work will also cover those applications and will create TAM CRs for those applications.
  • IG1130D ‘TAM Impacts by SDN/NFV on Resource Domain:  Few of the applications in the Resource Domain overlap multiple verticals. In order to limit the scope to assurance requirements analysis from the SDN/NFV perspective, the scope of the analysis in this document focuses on the following applications:  1) Location Management; 2) Resource Test Management, 3)Resource Inventory Management; 4) Resource Catalog Management; 5) Network Number Inventory Management; and 6) Work Force Management.