Data Governance Guidebook v3.4.0 (GB1023)

The Data Governance Guidebook has been created to provide guidance of the process and steps to implementing a data governance program. The goal of the guidebook is to enable organizations, at all levels of data maturity, to take steps to define a data governance program specific to the organizations business and data strategy. The Data Governance Guidebook is a guide not only for those contemplating transforming their current data situation but also those that have recognized that data, just as any other organization asset, is tangible and valuable to the enterprise that must be leveraged in a secure, responsible manner. The Data Governance guidebook provides information to assist the transition to a data-driven enterprise and address the resistance and impacts of cultural change.

General Information

Document series: GB1023
Document version: 3.4.0
Status: TM Forum Approved
Document type: Guidebook
Team approved: 06-Nov-2024
IPR mode: RAND
Published on: 11-Nov-2024
TM Forum Approved: 27-Dec-2024
Date modified: 27-Dec-2024