GB1058 Partner Ecosystem Maturity Model v1.0.0

This excel file contains the Partner Ecosystem Maturity Model as created orginally by Alliance Best Practice Ltd with research contributions from 53 Partner Ecosystem professionals.  It is structured around six key areas and has five levels of maturity.  Each capability within a key area has five levels of maturity as an example.  The wole is constructed as a questionnaire that provides an overall score which indicates the suggested maturity and the steps necessary to achieve the next level of maturity.  Although this version is an excel file there is a web based version also available from Tr3dent Ltd.

General Information

Document series: GB1058
Document version: 1.0.0
Status: Member Evaluated
Document type: Guidebook
IPR mode: RAND
Published on: 05-Mar-2024
Date modified: 08-Apr-2024