Test and Diagnostics Business Agreement R14.5.1
- Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Created By: API Project
Resource and Service Test Management Applications are focused in ensuring that the various resources and services are working properly in a telecom network. The test applications are used as an integral part of both fulfillment and the assurance processes. In the fulfillment process, the test is responsible for ensuring that the assigned service works as designed, while on the assurance side the test applications are responsible for resource fault and service trouble/problem isolation. As part of the testing process, these applications also interface with the trouble process, which can trigger an automatic test.
This document provides requirements and use cases concerning Test Management. Several basic scenarios are considered, i.e.
- Test and Diagnostics for one specified resource
- Test and Diagnostics for one specified service
- Test and Diagnostics for one specified customer
- Bulk Test and Diagnostics for some resources in one request
- Bulk Test and Diagnostics for some services in one request
- Schedule Test and Diagnostics for some resource, service or VIP customer for preventive purpose
- Validation Test after service fulfillment and provisioning
- Test and Diagnostics by FME while taking field service
- Generally the Test and Diagnostics request should include create, update, cancel and query operations.
It is recognized that some of the Test and Diagnostics (T&D) requests may not be executed immediately and thus need to be tracked over time. For long-lived Test and Diagnostics request, there may also be a need to suspend / resume the request.
An analysis of T&D requirements are made which are common across all test entities (resource or service) and over the interface that sends Test requests to the test and diagnostics application.
General Information