GB1008 ODA Governance, Security & Privacy Architecture Principles v1.0.0

The specificity provided by this document, is to capture governance and security concepts and principles that will enable test, validate and verify design, deployment and operating targets of solutions. As concepts and principles, the document provides a reference to consolidate key architecture principles that border around governance and security of ODA derived solutions. It leverages inputs from modern and well-established functional architectures (e.g. NIST Cloud Computing Security Reference Architecture), technology architecture (e.g. Evolution of Security in 5G, NIST 5G Cybersecurity), and Operational best practices (e.g. ISACA COBIT, SANS, GSMA NESAS etc), as well as ongoing work in Security and Privacy principles such as the Open Reference Architecture for Security and Privacy.


General Information

Document series: GB1008
Document version: 1.0.0
Status: TM Forum Approved
Document type: How To Guide
Team approved: 27-Nov-2020
IPR mode: RAND
TM Forum Approved: 18-Jan-2021
Date modified: 19-Jan-2021