IG1373 AN Use Cases: A Guide to Self-Healing and Closed-Loop Automation v1.2.0

This guide outlines the development of self-healing autonomous networks. It highlights how these networks can detect and resolve faults automatically without human intervention, using closed-loop mechanisms for continuous operation. Key sections include the Autonomous Networks Reference Architecture, which provides a layered design enabling flexibility and scalability. The architecture utilizes Autonomous Domains for managing network behaviors like self-optimization and self-healing.

In addition to technical overviews, the document presents multiple use cases such as SD-WAN, Kubernetes Pod Self-Healing, and Autonomous Service Activation. These cases describe the steps, conditions, and outcomes required for network operations, detailing how they leverage self-management and automation to maintain network performance and reliability. Throughout, TM Forum ODA components and Open APIs are referenced as foundational tools for implementing these self-healing capabilities.

General Information

Document series: IG1373
Document version: 1.2.0
Status: Team Approved
Document type: Exploratory Report
Team approved: 10-Jan-2025
IPR mode: RAND
Published on: 13-Jan-2025
Date modified: 10-Jan-2025