IG1380 Wholesale Broadband Standardized Product Model & APIs for B2B v1.0.0
- Maturity level: Alpha
Created By: Standardizing Wholesale Broadband Fiber Access
This document describes the standardized Wholesale Broadband product model, where the first iteration focuses on layer 2 bitstream access.
A standardized broadband product model ensures interoperability across ecosystems, reduces costs, and accelerates time-to-market by enabling seamless integration and consistent service delivery. It enhances customer experience, supports innovation, and simplifies regulatory compliance while enabling CSPs to future-proof their networks.
Also covered in the document are the high level API changes made to support standardizing wholesale broadband. Buyers and Sellers can interact more efficiently by integrating via specialized TM Forum ODA Open APIs and applying the common product model. These terms will be used in this document where Seller refers to the Party selling the wholesale offer, typically a network owner or an aggregator, and Buyer refers to the Party buying the wholesale offer, typically an operator or Communications Service Provider (CSP) who in turn uses the products bought to provide services to their own end customers.
General Information