IG1392 Autonomous Networks Levels Evaluation Whitepaper v1.0.0

The Autonomous Network Level (ANL) evaluation aims to assist Communications Service Providers (CSPs) in quickly identifying improvements in their autonomous network capabilities and speeding up the iterative deployment of autonomous networks. Many operators have already started AN implementation and some have conducted internal AN Level evaluations. However, there is a need for further standardization of the ANL assessment process along with a growing demand for tools that can enable global comparison with peer operators. TM Forum collaborates with its members and partners to develop the AN Level evaluation standards and required tools.


General Information

Document series: IG1392
Document version: 1.0.0
Status: TM Forum Approved
Document type: Exploratory Report
Team approved: 05-Nov-2024
IPR mode: RAND
Published on: 05-Nov-2024
TM Forum Approved: 27-Dec-2024
Date modified: 27-Dec-2024