TR291C Proposal of Best Intent Model v1.0.0

The BEST/PROPOSAL procedure on the intent interface allows to ask an intent management function to propose the most severe requirements it can successfully handle. This is a procedure typically executed in the investigation phase of the intent life-cycle and therefore part of a negotiation between the intent owner and a prospective intent handler. The intent owner can use this to investigate what an intent handler is able to achieve. Alternatively this can be used with an intent that is in operation phase of the intent life cycle. This means the intent handler is actively operating based on this intent. Using the best/proposal procedure for this intent means that the intent owner wants to monitor if the handler could achieve different requirements.

General Information

Document series: TR291C
Document version: 1.0.0
Status: Member Evaluated
Document type: Model
Team approved: 31-Mar-2022
IPR mode: RAND
Published on: 04-Apr-2022
Date modified: 02-May-2022