GB922 Network Resource Architecture Models R16.5.1

  • Maturity level: Level 3 - Team Approved

Download the entire GB922 Network Resource Architecture Models R16.5.1 using the Download All button to the right; or download each file individually from the Assets Included listing below.

The GB922 Network Resource Architecture Models R16.5.1 Suite includes these files:

Using HTML versions: ActiveX controls must be enabled to view the HTML versions of the model.

To load the Network Resource Architecture into RSA:
1. Create an empty project called NetworkResourceArchitectureAndPatterns (or similar)
2. Select File > New > Project
3. Press Next
4. Name the project NetworkResourceArchitectureAndPatterns
5. Press Finish
6. Select the new project NetworkResourceArchitectureAndPatterns in the project explorer and import the archive file into the project
7. Select File > Import > General > Archive File
8. Press Next
9. Browse to select and open the location of the archive file on your system
10. Press Finish
11. You are now ready to browse the Network Resource Information Architecture and Pattern Sketches

Other downloable SID Model files are Information Framework Models and Umbrella Information Models.

Explore GB922 Information Framework (SID) Online

  • Browsable HTML Framework R16.5 is an online clickable model which contains the Business Process, Application elements of the Information Framework and mappings between them.
  • 3D Model and Viewer is a new multidimensional view of the Frameworx including the Business Process Framework (eTOM), Information Framework (SID) and the Application Framework (TAM).
  • Frameworx R16.5 Model Visio Format – TM Forum’s Frameworx model has been made available in a Microsoft(c) Visio(c) 2013 format.