GB962 Customer Experience Management Solution Suite R15.5.1

The Customer Experience Management Solution Suite consists of five components: Guide book, Maturity Model, Lifecycle Model, Use Cases, ROI Model

 In the CEM Solution Suite R15.5.1, we have made a number of updates:

  •  6 new Use Cases have been added
  • 19 existing BDA Use cases have been re-classified as having Customer Experience impacts and have been added into the suite of CEM use cases
  • The nomneclature of the use cases has been refined
  • There are 2 additional data cases added to the CEM ROI Calculator in an effort to put the model on the pathway to achieving meaningful benchmarks.

RN339 Customer Experience Management Release Notes R15.5.1 provide the overview content of the CEM Solution Suite and will identify the specific changes introduced in this current release.

Resources Included