• Quantity Ontology v3.4.0 (TR292D)

    Maturity Level: General availability (GA)

    Document version: 3.4.0

    Release Status: Archived


    This document defines quantities and a set of operator functions that allow to define, modify, combine and compare quantity objects.  Defining goals based on KPIs and metrics is a common task in intent expression. They often consist of a numerical ...

    Standard(s): Best Practices

  • Function Definition Ontology v3.4.0 (TR292C)

    Maturity Level: General availability (GA)

    Document version: 3.4.0

    Release Status: Archived


    This document introduces functions as elements in intent expression. They improve intuition when working with the intent models,  Functions are a versatile concept. They can be used, for example, for defining logical or numerical operators or to def...

    Standard(s): Best Practices

  • Intent Management State Machines v3.4.0 (TR292B)

    Maturity Level: General availability (GA)

    Document version: 3.4.0

    Release Status: Archived


    The intent management state machines model is an ontology within the TM Forum intent ontology. It introduces a generic state machine describing the status of intent handling and the compliance of the system to the requirements expressed by an intent....

    Standard(s): Best Practices

  • Intent Management Elements v3.4.0 (TR292A)

    Maturity Level: General availability (GA)

    Document version: 3.4.0

    Release Status: Archived


    The intent management elements model is an ontology within the TM Forum intent ontology. It introduces basic terminology used to describe intent based operation. The TM Forum Autonomous Networks Project introduces concepts around the use of intent w...

    Standard(s): Best Practices

  • TM Forum Intent Ontology (TIO) v3.4.0 (TR292)

    Maturity Level: General availability (GA)

    Document version: 3.4.0

    Release Status: Archived


    Intent based operation is controlled by instances of intent management functions. Their interaction constitutes the intent control loop and intent life cycle management through the intent interface. This intent management ontology model introduces th...

    Standard(s): Best Practices

  • TR291G Preference of Handling Outcomes – Intent Extension Model v3.4.0

    Maturity Level: General availability (GA)

    Document version: 3.4.0

    Release Status: Archived


    Requirements specified within an intent might only be valid in certain situations and under specific conditions. This model introduces the vocabulary to express these conditions based on observations from the environment. Examples are any metrics bas...

    Standard(s): Best Practices

  • TR291C Proposal of Best Intent Model v3.4.0

    Maturity Level: General availability (GA)

    Document version: 3.4.0

    Release Status: Archived


    The BEST/PROPOSAL procedure on the intent interface allows to ask an intent management function to propose the most severe requirements it can successfully handle. This is a procedure typically executed in the investigation phase of the intent life-c...

    Standard(s): Best Practices

  • TR291B Intent Probing – Intent Extension Model v3.4.0

    Maturity Level: General availability (GA)

    Document version: 3.4.0

    Release Status: Archived


    The requirements or constraints expressed by intent might not be needed all the time. For example a service might need to be delivered at the start date and time of the respective SLA/Contract and not earlier. Or the delivery of a service needs to st...

    Standard(s): Best Practices

  • TR291A Intent Validity – Intent Extension Model v3.4.0

    Maturity Level: General availability (GA)

    Document version: 3.4.0

    Release Status: Archived


    With the intent validity model, the intent owner can delegate the validity control to the handler by specifying the detailed conditions of validity within the intent. The model allows defining complex validity schemes involving multiple types of cond...

    Standard(s): Best Practices

  • TR291 Intent Extension Models v3.4.0

    Maturity Level: General availability (GA)

    Document version: 3.4.0

    Release Status: Archived


    This document describes a proposed set of intent extension models. These extensions address various concerns and purposes, such as validity management of intent and expectation, etc. For these concerns the specified intent extension models add option...

    Standard(s): Best Practices

  • Intent Common Model – Vocabulary Reference v3.4.0 (TR290V)

    Maturity Level: General availability (GA)

    Document version: 3.4.0

    Release Status: Archived


    The intent common model is specified by the TR290 series of documents. This document contains the vocabulary reference. This means it contains an alphabetically sorted list of all model and intent specification language elements defined in the namesp...

    Standard(s): Best Practices

  • Intent Common Model – Intent Reporting v3.4.0 (TR290B)

    Maturity Level: General availability (GA)

    Document version: 3.4.0

    Release Status: Archived


    This document is part of the TR290 series specifying the intent common model as part of the TM Forum Intent Ontology. The focus of this document is the specification of how intent is structured and expressed.  The TM Forum Intent Ontology (TIO) is ...

    Standard(s): Best Practices