TMF672 User Roles and Permissions API REST Specification R17.0.1
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 0.3.1
Release Status: Archived
This document is the specification of the REST API for User Roles and Permissions. This API assumes that once a product is purchased by a customer (under a given account), as part of the product instantiation during the provisioning process, if a ma...
Standard(s): Integration Framework
TMF671 Promotion API REST Specification R17.0.1
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 2.0.1
Release Status: Archived
This document is the specification of the REST API for Promotion. It includes the model definition as well as all available operations. It provides a standardized mechanism for Promotion management such as creation, update, retrieval, deletion and n...
Standard(s): Integration Framework
TMF670 Payment Methods API REST Specification R17.0.1
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 0.2.2
Release Status: Archived
This document is the specification of the REST API for Payment Methods. It includes the model definition as well as all available operations for usage consumption reports. This API allows the following operations: Retrieve a list of payment meth...
Standard(s): Integration Framework
TMF669 Party Role Management API REST Specification R17.0.1
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 1.0.1
Release Status: Archived
The following document is the specification of the REST API for Party Role Management. It includes the model definition as well as all available operations. It provides a standardized mechanism for general party roles and includes operations such as...
Standard(s): Integration Framework
TMF668 Partnership Type Management API REST Specification R17.0.1
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 1.0.1
Release Status: Archived
The Partnership Type API provides standardized mechanisms for creating partnership types. It is one of the APIs involved in an onboarding process. The following resources are managed by this API: PartnershipType: Identifies a type of a partnersh...
Standard(s): Integration Framework
TMF667 Document Management API REST Specification R17.0.1
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 2.0.1
Release Status: Archived
This document provides details of the REST API interface for Document Management. The intent of this API is to provide a consistent/standardized mechanism to create new documents, delete existing documents, and retrieve information about uploaded doc...
Standard(s): Integration Framework
TMF666 Account Management API REST Specification R17.0.1
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 1.0.1
Release Status: Archived
The Account Management API provides a standardized mechanism for the management of billing and settlement accounts, as well as for financial accounting (account receivable) either in B2B or B2B2C contexts. It allows the creation, update and retrieva...
Standard(s): Integration Framework
TMF664 Resource Function Activation and Configuration API REST Specification R17.0.1
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 0.2.2
Release Status: Archived
This document provides details of the REST API for Resource Function provisioning and lifecycle management of Resource Functions (Network Service, VNF and PNF in ETSI NFV terminology) composed from Physical and Virtual Resource Functions. It is base...
Standard(s): Integration Framework
TMF663 Shopping Cart API REST Specification R17.0.1
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 2.0.1
Release Status: Archived
The Shopping Cart API provides a standardized mechanism for the management of shopping carts, including creation, update, retrieval, deletion and notification of event. Shopping Cart entity is used for the temporary selection and reservation of produ...
Standard(s): Integration Framework
TMF662 Entity Catalog Management API REST Specification R17.0.1
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Release Status: Archived
The entity catalog management REST API allows the lookup of the catalog elements to support relevant business processes. It allows the management of the entire lifecycle of the catalog elements, the consultation of catalog elements during several pro...
Standard(s): Integration Framework
TMF658 Loyalty Management API REST Specification R17.0.1
Document version: 2.0.1
Release Status: Archived
This asset has been deprecated. TM Forum's Loyalty Management Open API is documented in this specification. The Loyalty Management API specification references the Information Framework (SID) Release 14.5.1 and the Loyalty API R14.0 specification. ...
Standard(s): Integration Framework
TMF654 Prepay Balance Management API REST Specification R17.0.1
Maturity Level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Document version: 2.0.4
Release Status: Archived
This REST API Specification enhances Prepay Balance management API on the balance reserve, unreserve, deduct and rollback deduct operations, which includes use cases, resources, resource models and API operations.
Standard(s): Application Framework (TAM)