Released: Thursday, December 1, 2016
A handful of companies have achieved astounding success by becoming digital, but most are finding the transition daunting and difficult. Hardly surprising as the transformation demands integrated change across all aspects of an organization, from including strategy to leadership, customer engagement, product and service development, organization and culture, and operations.
Companies in the communications services industry need an agreed roadmap that describes the journey to digital maturity, and a corresponding set of metrics to help service providers measure their progress. And we’re working on it by developing a Digital Maturity Model and Metrics.
The team has an ambitious set of goals to deliver a first pass of the Digital Maturity Model and Metrics (DMMM) by May 2017. These tools will immediately benefit the communications industry, providing the common vocabulary and an objective way to assess a company’s current state on the journey to becoming a digitally mature organization.
We need your help to make it happen.This whitepaper explains more and also provides details on how you can get involved — for example, through a series of workshops and meetings.
Contact Rob Rich [email protected] or Ken Dilbeck [email protected] if you have additional questions or need help getting involved.