Released: Monday, September 28, 2015
Omnichannel is gaining much more traction in digital businesses across the spectrum, including that which underpins the digital ecosystem itself – communications.
Read this report to find out:
- What omnichannel is and the benefits of its successful implementation tocustomers, service providers and their partners.
- The difference between omnichannel and multichannel.
- Why mobile is critical to the omnichannel mix and why it must be integral to it, not a separate channel with its own processes etc.
- What issues arise from making mobile-first integral to omnichannel?
- Where do apps fit in?
- The challenges of implementing omnichannel strategies.
- The huge risks associated with getting it wrong,
- What does it all mean for your business and how should you approach deployment?
- Help with deciding on priorities, figuring out where you are now, where you want to go and how you’re going to get there.
From the analyst
– 6 omnichannel esentials
– Omnichannel: Why mobile first?
From the sponsor
– Omnichannel: Revolutionizing the customer experience