GB922 Information Framework R18.0
- Maturity level: Level 3 - Team Approved
Created By: Frameworx Project
This release of the Information Framework contains enhancements to it, including:
- Introduce Tax and Tax Exemption in the model
- Introduce Mapping ETSI NFV Model to SID
- Characteristic model clean-up for Product and ProductSpecification
- Remove all Entities identified as Likely to be deprecated in 17.0 for LogicalResource and LogicalResourceSpec ABEs
- Added considerations to assist SID users on the use the new isSellableStandAlone attribute
- Remove ConfigurableProductSpecCharacteristic entity
- Introduce conventions for attribute naming and attribute name capitalization.
Further details and downloadable assets can be found via the following links:
General Information
Document series:
Team Approved
Document type:
IPR mode:
Date modified: