IG1280 Bridging TM Forum ODA and 3GPP 5G service management partnering frameworks v1.0.0

This document identifies business drivers, describes methods of accelerating slice (5G) design and implementation, key architecture patterns based on TM Forum frameworks, focused on partner management, with reference to SDO standards, while addressing outstanding issues expressed in multi-operator 3GPP slice management. The aim is to describe a reference architecture for a service-based approach to Network Slicing functional integration, within internal, and across external operations, enabling standardization and a coherent approach to implementing new generation network services.


General Information

Document series: IG1280
Document version: 1.0.0
Status: TM Forum Approved
Document type: Introductory Guide
Team approved: 01-Apr-2022
IPR mode: RAND
Published on: 04-Apr-2022
TM Forum Approved: 20-May-2022
Date modified: 30-May-2022