RN332 Business Process Framework Release Notes v22.5.0

The eTOM Business Process Framework is a reference framework for categorizing all the business activities used by an enterprise involved in delivering on-line Information, Communications and Entertainment services. This is done through definition of each area of business activity, in the form of process components or Process Elements that can be decomposed to expose progressive detail. These process elements can then be positioned within a model to show organizational, functional and other relationships, and can be combined within process flows that trace activity paths through the business.


General Information

Document series: RN332
Document version: 22.5.0
Status: TM Forum Approved
Document type: Reference
Team approved: 09-Dec-2022
IPR mode: RAND
Published on: 20-Dec-2022
TM Forum Approved: 13-Feb-2023
Date modified: 13-Feb-2023