RN359 Release Notes for TR263 Design and Implementation Patterns and Best Practices for HIP R17.0.1
- Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Created By: Operations & Management) Project, ZOOM (Zero-touch Orchestration
This series of documents captures a growing list of examples around the general area of OSS /BSS platform solutions with an initial focus on Hybrid Infrastructure Platforms.
Underpinning this series of documents are a few principles:
The notion of ‘Integration patterns’ that set out, in the context of diverse examples, the best practice approach to integration and orchestration of API services to support OSS/BSS automated flow through in support of Zero-touch operations orchestration and Management. This Notion is similar in concept to the notion of ‘Design Patterns’ and ‘Antipatterns’ in Software engineering GoF
A blog style approach based on identifying a common integration challenge , documenting the principles and illustrating the application of the principles for a set of relevant contexts / examples.
In the main the examples orchestrate multiple Open APis and hence they provide patterns for common models, sequencing, and using multiple APIs to achieve a business goal.
General Information