TMF071 ODA Terminology R18.5.1
- Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Created By: Operations & Management) Project, ZOOM (Zero-touch Orchestration
This document provides a glossary of terminology relevant within EBA, DPRA and ODA documentation published in Release 18.5 and DSRA Release 17.5.
In addition to ODA terms that are introduced in the R18.0 ODA documents, there are terms taken or derived from external industry publications, or existing TM Forum documents. For the latter category, we will perform during the R19.0 charter period, an assessment of the impact ODA terminology may have on existing TM Forum documents. The TR274 DSRA Guide has not been updated into this release, but remains a reference document. For R19.0 we will consider incorporating relevant DPRA and DSRA content into the ODA documentation suite.
General Information