TMF663B Shopping Cart Management API Conformance Profile R19.0.1
- Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Created By: API Project
This document is the REST API Conformance for the Shopping Cart Management API.
Shopping Cart is a necessary component in modern sales channels, both for online channels of e-commerce, and for call centers and physical stores. It allows visitors to the shopping site to select items for eventual purchase. It provides a means of capturing a user purchase requirement, to accumulate a list of items for purchase, described as “placing items in the shopping cart” or “adding to cart.” It typically calculates a total charge for the cart including chosen goods or service, shipping and handling charges and the associated taxes are typically calculated during the checkout. Shopping cart supports purchase of both tangible and intangible goods and services (e.g. mobile device or family plan). The charge includes one-off fees, such as the fee for a handset, and recurring fees. The customer will be informed about the fee information, but only pay the one-off fee after confirming the shopping cart. The recurring fee may be paid when reaching the bill cycle.
General Information