TMF699 Sales Management API Conformance Profile R19.0.1

  • Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
  • Created By: API Project

This document is the REST API Conformance for the Sales Management API.

The Sales Management API provides interfaces for Sales Lead, Sales Opportunity, Sales Quote and the other management capabilities to support the sales activities to build relationship with the prospect customer who could be a person or organization that has an interest in the goods and/or services and possibly become the actual customers with one or more subscriptions.

The first release of this API specifies only the SalesLead resource.

The Lead corresponds to the nominal result of an interaction involving a prospective customer towards one of offers or services. It is the first stage (S) of the SPANCO process.

A prospect could have expressed a commercial interest or a commercial interest has been detected from his behavior analysis. The Lead Management function enables to collect, evaluate and attribute the leads to the appropriate sales representatives. The lead is an interest concerning an offer family or a product line, or expressed literally during an interaction, possibly further to a marketing campaign, and it must be handled and specified to become an opportunity or an order.

In a nominal way, once the interest towards offers or services is confirmed and the prospective customer clearly identified, then an Opportunity is created.


General Information

Document series: TMF699B
Document version: 4.0.1
Status: TM Forum Approved
Document type: Reference
Team approved: 17-Jun-2019
IPR mode: RAND
TM Forum Approved: 01-Nov-2019
Date modified: 04-Nov-2019