Digital Services Reference Architecture Guide R16.0.1
- Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Created By: Digital Services Reference Architecture (DSRA) Project
The Digital Services Reference Architecture (DSRA) is the TM Forum proposal to enable richer and yet open, distributed digital collaboration with the essential tools to support increasingly demanding technical and commercial models.
Version 16.0 of the Digital Services Reference Architecture introduces following changes: – Illustrating how some example business scenarios, implement the DSRA concepts; – Mapping TM Forum APIs to Support Services; – Introducing the Digital Service component and Digital Service Management API; – Extending some of the Support Service Descriptions.
As more new products are assembled out of building blocks that are provided by a range of digital service providers, there is great opportunity, and growing complexity to be managed. The opportunity comes from placing a wide range of capabilities at a product designer fingertips. The complexity comes from the distributed nature of those very capabilities for example, my product may rely on the performance of your building block, building blocks from a 3rd enterprise delivered over a set of network capabilities provided by yet another enterprise a network provider.
This digital economy needs a set of standards and functions that allow product composers to learn about these capabilities, configure and fulfill them, monitor them, understand dependencies, and execute what may be multi-dimensional commercial and revenue sharing models among end users, component service suppliers, advertisers, etc.
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