GB978 Catalog to Catalog Interface R14.5.1
- Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Created By: Internet of Everything Project
Operators, Partners, Suppliers, Developers and Enterprise customers all need to play a part in the Digital Services Value Fabric. Digital Services address challenges of emerging services such as Smart Grid, e-Health, M2M, mobile payments, and digital content in an extended value chain, including multiple partners across that value fabric.
The struggle is to communicate, expose services, mash-up services into new product offers in an efficient and easily understood manner. Today, Enterprise Catalogs play a major role in enabling product offer creation sourced from the complex value chain.
This document provides a collection of use cases for inter-Catalog Management communications and catalog to application communications via the TM Forum generic interface. The use cases illustrate the usage of the new TIP generic interface to communicate Information Framework data between catalogs. The information exchanged will be the product offerings, service candidates, resource candidates and their management functions. Each catalog type: Product/Service/Resource can play a particular role within the value fabric.
Added new health care use case back into document, updated section 8.8 and 9.7 product offering, sections 9.15, 8.18, 48 and 49 tables fixed.
General Information