IG1219B Anomaly Management Business Process for eTOM v1.1.0
- Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Created By: AI Closed Loop Automation Project
Detecting, preventing and diagnosing unexpected anomalous conditions characterizes anomaly management. As autonomy, heterogeneity, scale and dynamicity of ICT environments increase, it introduces difficulties, as well as complexities of managing resources, services, products and customer/partner experience altogether. With increasing digitalization, and more integration of systems within and across enterprises, incorporating anomaly management processes into eTOM will reflect the value of being preemptive in avoiding problems altogether. Anomaly management processes can ensure that we can can enable all domains of eTOM (market, customer, product, service, resource, employees etc.) to effectively detect, diagnose and proactively prevent problems from happening, or having adverse business impact.
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