Information Framework (SID) Release 18.5 Papyrus Format
- Maturity level: Level 4 - Forum Approved
Created By: Frameworx Project
Importing the Papyrus Model:
Note: This assumes that the Papyrus open source UML tool is installed. Those interested in this format of the SID can search for Eclipse – Papyrus to download the tool.
Importing SID 18.0 Papyrus model and profiles using the SID in Papyrus model zip file:
Start Papyrus and create a new workspace
Create a project, not a model project, using File/New/General in the workspace
Import the project archive zip file using Import/General/Archive File
You are ready to start using the SID by opening the SID model!
Notes on the Papyrus model:
Association and subclass routing in many Class diagrams is not optimal
Object diagrams were converted to Class diagrams, and when an attempt to open one is made an error occurs
These and other Papyrus related model commentary is in the Confluence Frameworx workspace/Current/Information Framework workspace/SID and Papyrus folder SID in Papyrus Commented document.
General Information