GB922 Standards Addenda for Information Framework

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Reference Material for Information Framework:

  • This READ ME FIRST NOTE provides the list of Information Framework documents in this release and the suggested order in which to read the documents.
  • RN310 Information Framework Release Notes provide the overview content of the Information Framework and will identify the changes introduced in this current release.
  • GB922 Information Framework Model Differences v19.5
  • GB991 Core Frameworks Concepts and Principles v19.5.  TM Forum Frameworx is a suite of best practices and standards that provides the blueprint for effective, efficient business operations and enable a service-oriented, highly automated and efficient approach to business operations and application integration. This Concepts and Principles document strives to enable the reader to get a complete point of view of the compilation and creation of the core Frameworks: Business Process, Information and Application frameworks, explaining the reasoning to its construction.

Explore GB922 Information Framework (SID) Online

  • Browsable HTML Framework  is an online clickable model which contains the Business Process, Application elements of the Information Framework and mappings between them.

Resources Included