TR276 Monetizing 5G R18.0.1

This paper aims to describe the main business verticals and use cases enabled by 5G technology. The verticals identified by 5G PPP include: Automotive, eHealth, Energy, Factories of the Future, Media & Entertainment, Smart Home and Smart City, and their monetization potential.
The initial release of this document described the way 5G ecosystems will be monetized; and the Factories of the Future vertical only.
This second version documents various use cases where 5G will play a major role in speeding up the deployment of digital ecosystems and therefore play a major role in monetization. It describes which new Customer Facing Services (CFS) can be offered because of a 5G network.

General Information

Document series: TR276
Document version: 2.0.2
Status: TM Forum Approved
Document type: Technical Report
Team approved: 18-Jun-2018
IPR mode: RAND
TM Forum Approved: 20-Aug-2018
Date modified: 21-Aug-2018