Autonomous Network Operations

Gain speed and resilience with intelligent automation at scale

The benefit…

With multiple generations of wireless and fixed technologies, evolving topographies, innovative deployment models and new ways to connect, modern telco networks are impossible to build, maintain and repair cost effectively without automation. ‘The network’ is a telco’s prize asset, essential to delivering exceptional connectivity experiences and supporting vital new products and business models.

We deliver…

The work of TM Forum’s members supports telcos and their partners to move to fully autonomous, intent-based network operations. Our ODA-aligned Autonomous Network target architecture provides a guide for telcos to follow. TM Forum’s Autonomous Networks Levels standard helps telcos track where they are on their journey.
Resources and Projects


More than 50 of the world’s leading telcos and ecosystem partners have signed and committed to our Autonomous Networks Manifesto. Major telcos, including China Mobile, MTN Group, Orange and Telefonica have committed to achieving level 4 Autonomous Networks by 2025.
View the AN Manifesto