This table shows the number of Knowledge and Career/Skill certified people trained by each company during the specified time period.
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Company Name:
- 1&1 Versatel GmbH
- Accenture
- Acronym Solutions Inc.
- Advanced Network
- AFR-IX telecom S.L.
- Airbus
- Altice Labs, S.A
- Amartus
- Amazon Web Services, Inc.
- Amdocs Management Limited
- America Movil
- Analysys Mason
- ANS Digital Transformation Limited
- Aria Systems Inc.
- AsiaCell Communications LLC
- AsiaInfo Technologies (China), Inc.
- AT&T Inc.
- Atos
- ATT Consulting
- Aussie Broadband Limited
- Automatum
- Avaloq Group AG
- Axians
- Azercell Telecom
- Bahrain Telecommunications Company (Batelco)
- BCM One, Inc.
- Bell Canada
- Beyond Now GmbH
- Bharti Airtel Ltd
- Botswana Telecommunications Corporation
- Bouygues Telecom
- bouyguestelecom
- BT Group plc
- Byanat
- Capgemini
- Celfocus
- CGI Information Systems and Management Consultants Inc.
- Charter Communications
- China Telecommunications Corporation
- Chunghwa Telecom Company LTD
- Ciena Corporation
- Circa Information Corporation
- Cirion Technologies LLC
- Cisco Systems
- CityFibre
- Claro Dominican Republic
- Claro Guatemala
- CloudBlue
- Cloudsense Ltd.
- Cogeco Communications Inc.
- Cognizant Technology Solutions
- Colt Technology Services
- Comarch S.A.
- Comviva
- conology
- CRM.COM Software Ltd.
- Crown Castle
- CSG Systems, Inc.
- Cubastion Consulting Private Limited
- Datastream Digital Sdn Bhd
- Dell Technologies Inc.
- Deloitte
- Detecon International
- Deutsche Glasfaser Management GmbH
- Deutsche Telekom (UK) Ltd
- Deutsche Telekom AG
- Digia Finland Oy
- DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd
- Dish Network
- DNA Plc
- Echo5G
- Econet Wireless Zimbabwe
- Electron Bridge
- Elisa Corporation
- Entel Chile
- Entel Perú S.A.
- Epam Systems Ltd
- Equinix, Inc
- Ericsson Inc.
- Ernst & Young
- Etihad Etisalat Mobily
- Etihad Salam Telecom Company
- Etisalat UAE
- EXFO Inc
- Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Galaxy Backbone Ltd
- GBM de Guatemala
- GCI Communication Corp
- GDi CMT Global LLC
- GEANT Vereniging
- Giganet UK
- GIP Exyr GmbH
- GlobalConnect A/S
- GlobalLogic
- Globys, Inc.
- Google Cloud
- Grameenphone Ltd
- Granite Telecommunications
- Grupo GTD
- Hansen Technologies
- Hellenic Telecoms Organization
- Hewlett Packard Enterprise
- Hrvatski Telekom d.d.
- Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
- Hutchison 3G UK
- Hyperoptic Ltd
- IBM Corporation
- Imagine Sdn Bhd
- INATEL - Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicacoes
- Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison
- Indra Sistemas S.A.
- Infosys
- Innovaflo
- Inspur Communication Information Systems Co., Ltd
- IntegraTouch
- Intracom Telecom
- inwi
- Iquall Networks Inc
- Italtel S.A.
- Italtel S.p.A
- Itochu Techno Solutions Corporation
- IT Services Hungary Kft
- Jazz Pakistan
- Jio Platforms Limited
- JSC Silknet
- JT (Jersey) Ltd
- Kazakhtelecom JSC
- KPMG International
- Kumoco Ltd
- LabsXD
- Land Registration Systems Inc
- Liberty Latin America
- Lintas Media Danawa
- LotusFlare
- Lyse Tele AS
- M-net Telekommunikations GmbH
- Magyar Telekom Plc.
- Makman Technology Consulting
- Marand, software ltd
- Mascom Wireless
- MAST Services
- MATRIXX Software
- Mavenir Systems
- Maxis Broadband Sdn Bhd
- MDS Global Ltd
- Metro Fibernet, LLC
- Microsoft Corporation
- Millicom Cable Costa Rica, S.A.
- Millicom International Cellular S.A.
- Millicom Tigo Bolivia
- Millicom Tigo Guatemala
- Minsait Brasil LTDA
- Mobicom Corporation
- Mobile Telecommunications Limited
- Mobile Telecommunications Saudi Company (Zain KSA)
- Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd
- Modirum Platforms DOO
- mtel Banja Luka
- MTN Nigeria
- MTN South Africa
- NBNCo Ltd
- Ncell
- NCS Pte Ltd
- NEC Corporation
- Netadmin System i Sverige AB
- Netcracker Technology
- Neterra EOOD
- NetworkedAssets GmbH
- NMSWorks Software Pvt. Ltd.
- No Company
- Nokia
- Norconsult Telematics
- NOS Technology
- NTS Retail GmbH & Co KG
- Nuuday
- NW Consulting
- Odido Netherlands B.V.
- Ogi
- One NZ Group Ltd.
- ONE Telecommunications, Macedonia
- Ooredoo Group
- Ooredoo Palestine
- OpenNet A/S
- Oracle Corporation
- Orange
- Orange Egypt
- Orange Espagne S.A.U
- Orange Polska
- OryxGateway FZ LLC
- Ovetix
- Palladin Tech
- Panamax Inc.
- Persistent Systems Ltd
- Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT)
- PiA (People In Action)
- POWERACT Consulting
- PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited
- Prodapt North America, Inc
- Protiviti Global
- Proximus SA
- PT Telekomunikasi Selular
- PT Telkomunikasi Indonesia
- PT XL Axiata Tbk.
- Public Telecommunication Corporation (PTC)
- Qeema Consultancy and Technology Service
- Rakuten Mobile, Inc.
- Readiness IT Systems Integration, S.A.
- Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa
- Reply
- Robi Axiata Limited
- Rogers Communications Inc.
- Royal KPN N. V.
- S4-Digital
- Safaricom PLC
- Salesforce
- SAS Institute Inc
- SaskTel
- Saudi Telecom Company
- SelfX Now Technologies LLC
- ServiceNow, Inc.
- SES Astra S.A.
- Sigma EMEA
- Silknet
- Singtel Optus Pty Limited
- SKY Network Services - BSkyB
- Slalom Consulting
- Sofrecom Tunisie
- SoftBank Corp
- Sogetel Inc
- Sri Lanka Telecom PLC
- Ss. Cyril and Methodious University -- Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
- STC Kuwait
- STC Solutions
- Subex Inc
- Sudatel Telecom Group co. Ltd.
- Suntech S.A.
- Sutherland Global Services
- Swisscom (Schweiz) AG
- T-Mobile Czech & Slovak Telekom, a.s.
- T-Systems International Services GmbH
- Tallence AG
- Tata Consultancy Services
- Tech Mahindra Limited
- TechNarts (Nart Bilişim)
- TechNEconomY DK
- Technische Universitaet Muenchen
- Tecnotree
- Telcel Mexico
- Telecom Egypt
- Telefonica Brasil S.A.
- Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
- Telefonica I + D
- Telefonía Celular de Nicaragua, S.A.
- Telefónica Celular del Paraguay SAE
- Telemovil El Salvador, S,A de C.V.
- Telenet NV
- Telenity İletişim Sistemleri San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
- Telenor ASA
- Telenor Connexion
- Telenor Denmark
- Telenor Pakistan
- Telenor Sverige
- telespazio spa
- Telesur
- Telia Company
- Telia Eesti AS
- Telia Lithuania
- Telia Norge AS
- Telstra Corporation
- The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Incorporated
- Thinkskink
- Tieto
- Tigo Colombia
- Tigo Honduras
- Tigo Panama
- TM Technology Services Sdn Bhd
- Total Access Communication Public Company Limited
- True Corporation Public Company Limited
- Tucows
- Tunisie Telecom
- Turk Telekomunikasyon A.S.
- Türkiye’nin Otomobili Girisim Grubu Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi
- ultraBASE
- Umniah Mobile Company
- Unified National Networks Sdn Bhd
- Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María -- Departamento de Industrias
- University College London School of Management
- Unsere Grüne Glasfasser
- Upp Corporation Limited
- US Cellular Corporation
- Verizon Communications
- Veschatel LLC
- Viasat, Inc.
- VicTrack
- Vietnam Airlines JSC
- Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT)
- Viettel Group
- Vodacom
- Vodacom (Pty) Ltd.
- Vodafone Egypt
- Vodafone GmbH
- Vodafone Greece
- Vodafone Group
- Vodafone India Services Private Limited
- Vodafone Omnitel S.p.A.
- Vodafone Portugal
- Vodafone Romania SA
- Vodafone Turkey
- Vodafone UK Ltd
- Wavelo
- Whale Cloud Technology Co., Ltd
- Wipro Technologies
- World Wide Technology
- XACRIA s.r.l
- x Singapore Telecommunications Ltd
- Yettel Hungary
- Zain Sudan
- Zayo Group, LLC
- Zenith System Solutions, Inc.
- ZIRA Ltd.
Rank # | Organization | Knowledge Certified Individuals | Career Certified Individuals | Knowledge Certifications | Career Certifications |
1 | Tech Mahindra Limited | 1542 | 2 | 7092 | 6 |
2 | ETIYA | 892 | 20 | 4011 | 21 |
3 | AT&T Inc. | 442 | 0 | 876 | 0 |
4 | Entel Chile | 367 | 0 | 1170 | 0 |
5 | Cognizant Technology Solutions | 287 | 0 | 998 | 0 |
6 | Oracle Corporation | 193 | 20 | 494 | 26 |
7 | Comviva | 189 | 0 | 1041 | 0 |
8 | Salesforce | 178 | 72 | 507 | 89 |
9 | Entel Perú S.A. | 167 | 0 | 493 | 0 |
10 | CGI Information Systems and Management Consultants Inc. | 163 | 4 | 289 | 5 |
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Total Knowledge Certified individuals
Total Career/Skill Certified individuals
Top companies with individuals certified in the last 90 days
- 1&1 Versatel GmbH
- Accenture
- Altice Labs, S.A
- Amazon Web Services, Inc.
- AT&T Inc.
- Automatum
- Azercell Telecom
- Bell Canada
- Bharti Airtel Ltd
- Botswana Telecommunications Corporation
- Bouygues Telecom
- BT Group plc
- Byanat
- Capgemini
- Celfocus
- China Telecommunications Corporation
- Cirion Technologies LLC
- Cisco Systems
- Cognizant Technology Solutions
- Comviva
- Datastream Digital Sdn Bhd
- Deloitte
- Detecon International
- Deutsche Telekom AG
- Econet Wireless Zimbabwe
- Elisa Corporation
- Entel Chile
- Entel Perú S.A.
- Ericsson Inc.
- Etihad Salam Telecom Company
- Etisalat UAE
- Galaxy Backbone Ltd
- GDi CMT Global LLC
- GEANT Vereniging
- GIP Exyr GmbH
- Hewlett Packard Enterprise
- Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison
- Innovaflo
- Inspur Communication Information Systems Co., Ltd
- Itochu Techno Solutions Corporation
- Kazakhtelecom JSC
- Magyar Telekom Plc.
- Makman Technology Consulting
- Mascom Wireless
- MAST Services
- Mobile Telecommunications Limited
- Modirum Platforms DOO
- Netcracker Technology
- Odido Netherlands B.V.
- ONE Telecommunications, Macedonia
- Oracle Corporation
- Orange Espagne S.A.U
- Orange Polska
- Palladin Tech
- Prodapt North America, Inc
- Proximus SA
- PT XL Axiata Tbk.
- Qeema Consultancy and Technology Service
- Readiness IT Systems Integration, S.A.
- Salesforce
- Saudi Telecom Company
- ServiceNow, Inc.
- SES Astra S.A.
- Sigma EMEA
- Singtel Optus Pty Limited
- Sofrecom Tunisie
- Sogetel Inc
- Sutherland Global Services
- Tallence AG
- Tata Consultancy Services
- Tech Mahindra Limited
- Tecnotree
- Telefonica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
- Telenor Pakistan
- Telesur
- Telstra Corporation
- TM Technology Services Sdn Bhd
- Unsere Grüne Glasfasser
- Verizon Communications
- Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT)
- Vodafone GmbH
- Vodafone Group
- Vodafone India Services Private Limited
- Vodafone Portugal
- Vodafone UK Ltd
- Wavelo
- XACRIA s.r.l
- Zayo Group, LLC