Organizations need a complete set of methods by which to measure and navigate the complex digital transformation journey the business is on and to assess the stages of digital maturity reached and define goals for the future.
From a foundation of actionable insights, tools and best practices, we offer the best professional executive training courses & certification, coaching, workshops and maturity assessments to help you accelerate and execute urgent business transformation to seize the opportunities of 5G and the digital platform economy.
Training courses
Digital Maturity & Transformation
Learn about the concepts of being digital, digital maturity and transformation and get practical guidance on how to plan and execute programs that will help drive your organization’s digital transformation.
Fundamentals course→
TM Forum Digital Maturity Model (DMM) Practitioner
Learn about TM Forum’s perspective on how to more effectively approach digital transformation by leveraging the TM Forum Digital Maturity Model (DMM) and The GC Index® framework. The objective is to give hands-on training to transformation facilitators who are involved in the implementation of digital transformation programs.
Practitioner course→
Erzsébet Malzenicky, Director of Talent Strategy and Processes, VEON, explains the value she and her talent management team got from completing TM Forum Digital Maturity & Transformation training courses.
Readiness Checks
Use our tools and expertise to assess the maturity of your systems and processes to help you navigate the complex journey of digital transformation. Identify where to start, what gaps exist and where to focus effort and investment. Learn more.
Our subject matter experts will help you translate the knowledge you have gained in the training courses to an implementation plan in your specific business case. Learn more.
Bring together executive level & technical team members for highly interactive workshops to gain a common understanding and build a strategic action plan. Learn more.