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DemoCharacteristicValue : Public <<TMF_BusinessEntity>> Business Entity
Created: 1/10/2022 12:03:04 PM
Modified: 1/16/2025 11:02:24 AM
A single value or range of values that can be used to define a DemographicCharacteristic.<br/>
  • Attributes
  • Associations To
  • Associations From
  • Tagged Values
  • Advanced
Attribute Scope Type
fromValue Public String
Notes: The low range value that a characteristic can take on.<br/>
isDefault Public Boolean
Notes: Indicates if the value is the default value for a characteristic.<br/>
rangeInterval Public String
Notes: An indicator that specifies the inclusion or exclusion of the valueFrom and valueTo attributes.<br/><br/>Possible values are "open", "closed", "closedBottom" and "closedTop".<br/>
toValue Public String
Notes: The upper range value that a characteristic can take on.<br/>
type Public String
Notes: A kind of value that the characteristic can take on, such as numeric, text, and so forth.<br/>
unitOfMeasure Public String
Notes: A length, surface, volume, dry measure, liquid measure, money, weight, time, and the like. Iin general, a determinate quantity or magnitude of the kind designated, taken as a standard of comparison for others of the same kind, in assigning to them numerical values, as 1 foot, 1 yard, 1 mile, 1 square foot.<br/>
validFor Public TimePeriod
Notes: The period of time for which a value is applicable.<br/>
value Public String
Notes: A discrete value that the characteristic can take on.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Note:<br/><br/>Either value or valueFrom and/or valueTo are required<br/>
Element Source Role Target Role
«TMF_BusinessEntity» PartyDemographicValue
Business Entity  
Name: _demoCharacteristicValue
Name: _partyDemographicValue
«TMF_ABE» Party Demographic ABE
ABE «TMF_ABEIsComposedByEntity»
Element Source Role Target Role
«TMF_BusinessEntity» DemographicCharacteristic
Business Entity  
Name: _demographicCharacteristic
Name: _demoCharacteristicValue
«TMF_BusinessEntity» MarketSegmentCharacteristicValue
Business Entity  
Name: _marketSegmentCharacteristicValue
Name: _demoCharacteristicValue
Tag Value
IsCoreEntity False
Values: true,false
Default: False
rsa_guid _3E3F0EC000E93C8FAA360266
Property Value
isActive: 0
isFinalSpecialization: 0