[SharedD-01] Shared ABEs Level 1

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[SharedD-01] Shared ABEs Level 1 : Class diagram
Created: 1/30/2023 4:45:28 PM
Modified: 11/14/2024 6:27:38 PM
The diagram below lists the Shared Domain's ABEs.   The model will be updated to reflect this arrangement in the next release.<br/><br/><b>Party ABE</b><br/><ul>
<li>The Party ABE enables defining an individual, an organization, or an organization unit that are of interest, involved or that provide value directly or indirectly from an enterprise perspective (Enterprise is to be understood here as provider, service provider or operator).</li><li>Hence the Party plays one or more roles with the enterprise or with another Party playing a role with the enterprise (indirectly). This is introduced to specify that the only party an enterprise would be interested in and will consider in its systems is a party playing a role (directly or indirectly).</li></ul>
<b>Permission ABE</b><br/><ul>
<li>Permission ABE contains all Business Entities for describing Permission Specifications, effective Permissions granted including the scope of permissions.</li></ul>
<b>Party Privacy ABE</b><br/><ul>
<li>The Party Privacy ABE contains all entities used by the Party Privacy Management process for specifying the information concerned by Privacy rules, the Privacy rules themselves, and the choices made by Parties for their own Privacy.</li></ul>
<b>Party Payment ABE</b><br/><ul>
<li>The Party Payment ABE contains all Entities required to describe a payment such as PaymentMethod and BankAccount.</li></ul>
<b>Communication Interaction ABE</b><br/><ul>
<li>The Communication Interaction ABE contains all entities needed for specifying a CommunicationInteraction describing an exchange of information during a communication between two or more human(s) and/or machine(s) during a period of time.</li></ul>
<li>CommunicationInteraction might concern Parties playing a role of Customer, Supplier… or even Resource, therefore the ABE « Communication Interaction ABE » is located in « Shared Domain ».</li></ul>
<b>Digital Identity ABE</b><br/><ul>
<li>The Digital Identity ABE contains all Business Entities used for enabling identification / authentication of Party or Resource in order to allow Party or Resource to use their permission carried by their roles.</li></ul>
<b>Calendar ABE</b><br/><ul>
<li>The Calendar ABE represents Business Entities used to enable time related functions. This includes scheduling, time conflicts and time based presentation support.</li></ul>
<b>Location ABE</b><br/><ul>
<li>The Location ABE represents the site or position of something, such as a customer’s address, the site of equipment where there is a fault and where is the nearest person who could repair the equipment, and so forth.  Locations can take the form of coordinates and/or addresses and/or physical representations.</li></ul>
<b>Document ABE</b><br/><ul>
<li>The Document ABE defines the specification of documents and the corresponding records, i.e. documents of interest for a company.</li><li>A Document might be a SimpleDocument (simple text or image), a GeneratedDocument (a Document generated using a PatternDocument like a welcome email customized for each new customer), or a PatternDocument (a Document specifying the background and the variables to fill in order to produce a GeneratedDocument).</li></ul><p/>