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RecurringScheduleDefinition : Public abstract <<TMF_BusinessEntity>> Business Entity
Created: 1/10/2022 12:02:37 PM
Modified: 1/16/2025 11:02:22 AM
The RecurringScheduleDefinition entity holds the parameters related to a schedule that defines recurrent executions.<br/>
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Attribute Scope Type
recurringFrequency Public RecurrentInterval
Notes: A recurring frequency to run a job within day that is included in schedule definition, for example: every 5 minutes, 15 minuute, 30 minutes, 1 hour.<br/>
scheduleDefinitionEndTime Public DateTime
Notes: The Endtime of the Schedule Definition. If the attribute is empty the Schedule run forever, not having a time constraint.<br/>
scheduleDefinitionHoursRange Public TimePeriod
Notes: A list of time ranges within a specific day that the schedule will be active on, for example 08:00-12:00, 16:00-19:00.<br/>
scheduleDefinitionStartTime Public DateTime
Notes: The Start time of the Schedule Definition. If the attribute is empty the Schedule will be active immediately.<br/>
scheduleStartOffset Public Duration
Notes: This is an offeset relating  to the recurring interval. For example, if the recurring interval is 1 hour and the offset is 10 minutes, a job will be executed at 1:10, 2:10, 3:10, etc.<br/>
Element Source Role Target Role
«TMF_ABE» Schedule Definition ABE
ABE «TMF_ABEIsComposedByEntity»
«TMF_BusinessEntity» ScheduledDuration
Business Entity  
Name: recurringscheduledefinition
Name: scheduledActivation
«TMF_BusinessEntity» ScheduleDefinitionExcludedDates
Business Entity  
Name: _scheduleDefinition
Name: _scheduleDefinitionExcludedDates
A list of specific dates that should be excluded from the Schedule Definition.
Tag Value
IsCoreEntity False
Values: true,false
Default: False
rsa_guid _RmwOLtusEeGD0KrEcTgurQ
Property Value
isActive: 0
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
«TMF_BusinessEntity» MonthlyScheduleDayOfWeekDefinition Business Entity Generalization From  
«TMF_BusinessEntity» ScheduleDefinition Business Entity Generalization To  
«TMF_BusinessEntity» MonthlyScheduleDayOfMonthDefinition Business Entity Generalization From  
«TMF_BusinessEntity» DateScheduleDefinition Business Entity Generalization From  
«TMF_BusinessEntity» WeeklyScheduleDefinition Business Entity Generalization From