Figure Tax.01 - Tax Definition

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Figure Tax.01 - Tax Definition : Class diagram
Created: 3/28/2022 3:51:09 PM
Modified: 9/21/2023 8:48:14 AM
A tax is levied by an authorized TaxJurisdiction. A jurisdiction is a specific PartyRole, that includes the administrative level (e.g. country, state) that represents the extent of the governmental authority.<br/>There are many different types of tax (including income tax, municipal property tax, etc.), but for the purposes of this document we consider only taxes that apply on amounts paid by Parties for Products (whether one-time purchase fees or ongoing charges). A single price may have multiple taxes applied, by the same or different jurisdiction, e.g.:<br/><ul>
<li>Federal Tax – levied by the US government</li><li>State Tax – levied by the State of California</li><li>County Tax – levied by the County of Santa Monica</li></ul>
A category specifies a level of tax for a specific type of TaxDefinition type such as Standard, Alimentary, Luxury…<br/>If definesExemption attribute is TRUE, the TaxDefinition corresponds to a tax exemption that replaces a standard tax if a corresponding TaxExemptionCertificate grants it.<br/>For example, a voluntary organization may be granted a complete exemption from value-added tax, to pay 0% of the standard tax.<br/>The actual amount of tax to be paid may be:<br/><ul>
<li>A fixed percentage of the price – for example Value Added Tax of 17%</li><li>A fixed amount – for example an Eco-tax of 0.5 euros per handset device, irrespective of the device’s price</li><li>A complex calculation based on the price and other factors – for example a progressive percentage (10% for a low price, 20% for a high price); this would be represented as a policy rule.</li></ul><p/>