![]() Figure RC.03 - Basic Resource Demand Entities (CM.07 Copy from Capacity ABE in Common Domain) : Class diagram
CapacityDemand, in this case Resource CapacityDemand, can be reflected by / based upon associations to a number of other entities. In the following Figure, the entities shown represent these (there may be more that could be added to the model as needed by the Information Framework implementer using published extension guidelines) and related to ResourceCapacityDemand).<br/>In the figure, one Resource may place (require) a demand on another. For example, a Scheduler may demand that a network support one million queries a day.<br/>ServiceForecasts may also influence the capacity demands for Resources as described in various eTOM process elements. So, can ResourceForecasts. While this is acknowledged here, these two entities, which are most likely ABEs, have not been modeled as part of the Capacity Model that was contributed to the Information Framework.<br/>A single Service may also make a demand of ResourceCapacity. An important point to note is that care must be taken when determining demand so that none of the various sources of demand overlap with one another. <br/>