![]() Figure T.04 - Product, Service and Resource Test Entities (Copy from Common) : Class diagram
The following Figure shows one way to support tests for Product, Services, and Resources by applying the Entity/EntityRole pattern. This allows the same “Test Specification” to be used for many “Product TestSpecifications”, “ServiceTestSpecifications”, and “Resource TestSpecifications”. <br/>Product, Service, and Resource Tests are defined to be generalizations of the abstract “Test” class. In this way, the “Test” model may be used for the specification of all three types of tests. Each test, such as “ServiceTest” is associated to its relative entity under test, which in this case is “Service”. The relationships therefore between products, services, and resources, are maintained to the associated tests. As an example, a service test measure such as “Frame Loss Ratio” may translate to resource test measures “Number of frames sent” and “Number of frames received”. The metric “Number of Frames Lost” is derived from the resource test measures, and the “Frame Loss Ratio” is further calculated by dividing the number of frames lost by the number of frames sent.<br/><i>Refer to Common Domain guide book section Test ABE for more details</i><br/>