[EntD-01] Enterprise ABEs Level 1

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[EntD-01] Enterprise ABEs Level 1 : Class diagram
Created: 3/28/2022 3:51:09 PM
Modified: 11/14/2024 6:07:28 PM
The Enterprise Domain roles presently identified are:<br/><b>Enterprise Party Roles ABE</b><br/>        • Enterprise Party Roles ABE contains all PartyRoles related to the Enterprise such as Employee, Employer, Regulator...<br/><b>Workforce ABE</b><br/>        • The Workforce ABE models the human and other field resources with their roles, skills, calendar, and other characteristics. It also models the work description and reservation and assignment of a technician to a task. It contains  Work, Work Specification, WorkforceResource, and WorkforceSchedule. <br/><b>Enterprise Risk ABE</b><br/>        • Enterprise Risk ABE represents all items that relate to risk of an enterprise. It also concerns security vulnerabilities and related events as well as information related to Revenue Assurance such as areas of revenues leakage risk and operational capability to resolve any detected degradations and violations.<br/><b>Enterprise Effectiveness ABE</b><br/>        • Enterprise Effectiveness ABE represents all information used to evaluate the enterprise effectiveness, such as Business Objectives and Processes.<br/><b>Finance ABE (not fully developed)</b><br/>        • The Finance ABE aims to describe all that is related to the Enterprise finance such as financial accounts, and general ledger.<br/>