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PolicyActionAtomic : Public <<TMF_BusinessEntity>> Business Entity
Created: 1/10/2022 12:03:28 PM
Modified: 1/16/2025 11:02:08 AM
This is the base class for all simple PolicyActions. A simple PolicyAction consists of a single Boolean clause, which is used to perform a single action. This consists of a single occurrence of a PolicyStatement, which is of the form:<br/><br/> {SET | CLEAR} PolicyVariable to PolicyValue<br/><br/>This is distinctly different from the PolicyActionVendor, which does not use a PolicyStatement.<br/><br/>PolicyActionAtomic objects can also be used to form more complex action structures. A PolicyActionComposite object can be used to contain a group of PolicyActionAtomic objects - this grouping enables multiple PolicyActionAtomic objects to be executed as a group. Alternatively, a PolicyActionAtomic object can contain one or more PolicyActionAtomic objects (and also PolicyActionComposite groups if desired) to provide the semantics of a compound PolicyAction. In either case, the aggregation is done using the containedPolicyActions aggregation.<br/>
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Attribute Scope Type
actionSequenceNumber Public Integer
Notes: This attribute is a non-negative integer and represents the particular sequence in which this element is executed as part of the overall policy structure. This will allow a policy engine to reference externally supplied arguments to this object as it is executed.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Notes: Not present in the ITU specs;  CIM 2.7 has a subset of these values.<br/>
hasExecuted Public Integer
Notes: This is an enumerated integer that is set by a policy application to define the state of execution of this policyAction. <br/><br/><br/><br/>Permited Values:<br/><br/> 0: not yet executed<br/><br/> 1: executed with no errors<br/><br/> 2: executed with errors but successfully rolled back<br/><br/> 3: executed with errors and did not roll back<br/><br/> 4: did not complete execution but successfully rolled back<br/><br/> 5: did not complete execution and did not roll back<br/><br/><br/><br/>Notes:<br/><br/>Not present in the ITU or CIM specs.<br/>
hasSubActions Public Boolean
Notes: This is a Boolean attribute that, if TRUE, signifies that this PolicyAction has one or more sub-actions. Sub-actions are used to enforce a hierarchical nesting of actions, so that parent actions may control the evaluation and other semantics of the sub-actions that they contain.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Notes: Not present in the ITU or CIM specs.<br/>
Element Source Role Target Role
«TMF_ABE» Policy Action ABE
ABE «TMF_ABEIsComposedByEntity»
«TMF_BusinessEntity» PolicyStatement
Business Entity  
Name: _policyActionAtomic
Name: _policyStatement
Tag Value
IsCoreEntity False
Values: true,false
Default: False
rsa_guid _3E3F0EC000E93D77E58C02D7
Property Value
isActive: 0
isFinalSpecialization: 0
Object Type Connection Direction Notes
«TMF_BusinessEntity» PolicyAction Business Entity Generalization To  
«TMF_BusinessEntity» ProdOfferPriceAction Business Entity Generalization From